
Despite what others have said, its not "pathetically easy". In fact its quite challenging, depending on what difficulty your set on. You CAN beat him without having upgraded weapons and whatnot, it might just take several playthroughs.

I dont know, maybe thats right but Im American and I was pumped for exploring montreal. I was kinda bummed that you really only ever saw it through the window in the elevator.

You could possibly confusing "fox" with "fox news"

I had a maxed out revolver that was my go to gun. I loved that thing. Usually did not have enough ammo to get into involved shootouts with multiple enemies though.

I would buy this in two seconds. He should sell copies, like already bound up.

It could be but I played through on "Give me Deus Ex" setting, and once you got about 2/3 through the game you could shoot a guy point blank in the back of head and he would just be startled.

I see what you mean, and its a valid opinion. But damn, that game would be sooo easy if take downs didnt cost energy

Um yeah I will be getting this regardless. Coolest use of the kinect (in gaming anyway) that Ive heard of yet.

God I hope this isnt true.

I wish I knew about this beforehand, I would definetly be there with them.

I think you might just not be using your full imagination. I said the same thing about games like Baldurs Gate II back in the day (graphics are good enough for me!) but then Oblivion came out and I was like....there is no going back from here.

I disagree. I don't so much care how tightly designed the game is, so long as its open to and rewards my own interpretations, allows me to construct my own narrative.

Voice over is freakin awesome.

What the douce is up with these CEO paychecks? How can they justify that?

You just blew my mind

I gotta say I agree with the minority here, this was a fantastic review. Well written, engaging, gave you a feeling for the game.

damn those are some hot lizards....

Cool points, but I just wanted to throw my 2 cents out there:

I didnt use to finish...usually would get about 90% of the way through and then stop. However I make a point now to finish.

All these CEO d*ckheads make me angry. Who cares who "dominates the FPS genre within the industry"? Just make good games, stop talking trash. In fact I would be happy if all these CEO's just stopped talking at all, but that seems to be all they are good for.