
Fallout 3 I can see where you may be coming from (although I did think and STILL think that they did them the right way. Its post apocalyptic, its supposed to be bleak!) because there was so much gray.

Good post. Also, "furry pedophiles" is awesome. Congratulations man.

100% behind this post. Claiming to be "crazy" is a stupid shortcut to removing responsibility. Anytime something like this happens its the first thing out of someones mouth. That facts dont support the idea that he was out of his mind when he did this.

So you cant appreciate anything that doesnt have oversized swords and androgynous characters?

I want my first playthrough character to look exactly like me.

I guess it depends on how you define friendship.

Of course if you cant stay in touch without facebook it does raise the much you really care for them....

Kind of curious about number like this about games in general. How many people out there actually finish the games they start? I know I am a notorious un-finisher. I tend to crap out on about 2/3 of the games I play about 50 percent into it.

Kind of frustrated with Valve. They make such great games, but everytime Gabe Newell (or anyone else for that matter) open their mouths its super aggravating.

Im recklessly optimistic about Skyrim.

Wood elf FTW

Yes they were. If you were around in the 90's Duke Nukem 3D had very solid graphics/gameplay for the time.

You know what would be great? Dutchess Nukem.

Thats because that spider is anything but realistic. Its got a serious case of WoW-itis.

*cancelled due to incorrectitude*

Thats exactly what I do.

As cool as that all sounds, it does seem like it would be a hassle to be constantly looking back and forth from controller to TV.

Looks like a good coop game

Great cutscene/monologue in the beginning. That was genuinely well done.

OK so this is awesome.