
I swear the moment we show any weakness China is going to completely annihilate us

Pretty incredible. If we have starships in my lifetime Im going to drop everything, pants included, and sign up.

Wow that is really cool. All I really want though is my own face rendered on my game character.

Mmmm Dragon Age II, Mass Effect 3, Deus Ex 3? This is going to be a good year!

I think the same thing sometimes when I see signs for "ATM"'s. Not quite the same. Yeah, too much internet pr0n

@Painronamic: Realistic Warfare: You only get one life, then return the game to point of purchase.

@7thHanyou: A wise old man once told me:

She can Launch my Fantasy anyday

What is with religion these days?

@Jack Roskam: I just had this image that has almost nothing to do with what you said. But imagine playing a survival horror and opening a door.

Everything is seen as a joke by hardcore gamers. They are the biggest niche of cynical crybabys you can find.

My experience with COD games in general has been very solid, very short almost "interactive movie" type of experiences. They seem to be in a league of their own, for good or ill.

Im curious about how many games will go "hybrid" in the future, so to speak. With broadband and talented designers, I dont see why you couldn't make a single player game that has persistent multilayer aspects layered on.

@abort_user: You could turn the power brick over.

What is terrorists fascination with airplanes? There are easier ways to murder large numbers of innocent people to make a political statement.

@Timmy: In the 80s they hadnt yet invented the sub prime loan.

@lumin: Gilmore Girls with guys, you nailed it sir.

@Ramza69: Its been uncharacteristically slow to embrace regular 3D, much to my chagrin.