@seriousam7: How does one read that chart? Thats pretty ridiculous if it is in fact true.
@seriousam7: How does one read that chart? Thats pretty ridiculous if it is in fact true.
This map doesnt load correctly for me. Its all half drawn in. pretty cool though
I kind of have to agree with MSFT on this one. I have seen my Xbox Live use go up considerably over the years, and alot of that isnt gaming anymore, its Netflix and movies and whatnot.
I actually am a little bit of a pansy, so one time I ate a bunch of brownies and played Fallout 3 in the dark by myself. It was scary.
@Go Ahead, Do It: Florida is the vanguard of the elderly
That picture of UO just made my evening.
@mean_mr_mustard: Your complaint made me chuckle
California: Still leading the nation in both stupidity, and awesomeness.
@XeO3: This. People are thinking about this like Wii 2.0, or Eyetoy 2. I agree its greatest strength would be in conjunction with another controller though.
@Animos: Right. We are saying the same thing, Im just being an insensitive douche about it.
@ps61318: Its actually four quarter pounders with cheese.
@dead_alewives: I put 5 years into that game. Only MMO I ever played. People are downright dedicated.
First PC game ever played (that I remember): Hexen
@Cactus Pie: Hey its reality bud. Its not like fallout where you can "target the limbs"
@AlucardsQuest: At least you can watch a game where someone scores a point after two hours.
Number 22....
Whew American Mcgee really threw us for a loop here!
The whole "excessive" side of the argument doesnt work. Your getting shot either way, what does it matter if its 2 times or 10 times?
@jcp982: They really are different games though. Mass Effect lost alot of the traditional RPG stuff. I personally had little connection with Shepard. I like to feel like the character on the screen represents me personally, and less like I am living vicariously through someone else.
Well this seems overly divisive. Who really cares about "East" or "West"? Just make a g*dd*mn good game!