@kaploy9: Well take a look at Afghanistan amigo. A coalition of the best trained and equipped soldiers from every leading country in the world, vs what amounts to a bunch of crazy religious dope farmers.
@kaploy9: Well take a look at Afghanistan amigo. A coalition of the best trained and equipped soldiers from every leading country in the world, vs what amounts to a bunch of crazy religious dope farmers.
@Jordan Lund: Mario and Zelda? For serious?
@Rashed Mokdad: Agree with portal. Its an awesome game, but people just gush about it way too much.
Final Fantasy. I know, ruffling some feathers here but it really is overrated. And Im not just trying to be contrary, I actually think FO3 is one of the best games of the last ten years.
Of course all the naysayers, guaranteed, have never even heard the system.
@AgamemnonV2: Im not saying your not giving valid points, but come on. Some people just have different tastes.
@peteer02: hates geofencing: I hear you. I tried the 3D TV display at Costco the other day. It wasnt particularly impressive. Then again, it was a mariachi band. In 3D.
Im going to agree Im not a fan of the new review style. It has no bite to it. There arent really any hard points to gather around, seems a little too lite. Like reading the inside booklet of the game itself.
@AgamemnonV2: Not everyone who likes Fallout 3 is a "sheep".
Id be excited for 3D only if I:
The whole thing is just pointless. Whats the point of making this game? It smells like shock tactics.
I personally prefer "fall" to "autumn". Fall sounds so much more epic.
@Strixvaliano: Disagree strongly. But Im in the minority I actually think Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout were classic.
The only way to make a new perspective on WW2 games is to play as a Nazi.
@thermopyle: CoD?
@scrapking: You could also say that the oldest participant is the least relevant.
@Ueziel: "You people"? YOU PEOPLE?!?
@Ueziel: Must be the fanboy in you. This could potentially be even *more* immersive than having a one off, gigantic controller.
@mrpibb79: I dont know for sure but I can imagine something like being inside the cockpit of a mech.... see a lever over on the left, "reach up" and pull it. I can imagine this being incredibly immersive.
Steel battallion with kinect? Sign me the eff up!