
I just continually shoot the door until I have a man sized hole to crawl through.

@AngryLagomorph: I just picked up Age of Wonders not that long ago for the first time. It is truly an awesome game (awesome campaign). However I would not go so far as to say it is better than HOMM. And I dont know what kind of orgies your attending but if it involves punching I would find a new group.

The best part of this series was the hot seat multiplayer. I played the original and the second iteration when I was in grade school, hours of funs with ma nerdz

@bflorin: haha wow dude. wow.

This is badass.

You know that priests will be snatching this game up left and right.

@superapplekid: You have to beat the first 12 games sequentially, then learn the bass line to the battle song in FF2

@Tyrunn: As of last night, no haha

@Dynoknight: Not so not so. Maybe Ive just been lucky but it seems to be particularly bad in Red Dead. Then again I never played Halo on a public server.

I dunno. It could be good. Im not one of those constant whiners (I hope) but the whole screen seems too busy for my taste.

How about instead they ban all the racists? There is a ridiculous amount of n*gger this and n*gger that and it seems like every asshat who says it is from the deep south.

@Berzerk: Thanks, thats good news

@RollRoll: The 80's were highly underrated. Anyone with the tiniest bit of joy in their heart knows that the 80's were all about having fun, man.

@Ciraa: Slow paced yes. Boring? No.

@MrNose - FOR THE CHICKEN!!!: I was going to say the same thing. You can see the eastern influence somewhere in there. Maybe its the huge weapons or the slightly exaggerated facial expressions.

Oh wow. I was a kinect fan before I saw this video. Why is it so laggy? And so sh*tty? OH microsoft how you have shamed me.


Wow. Amazing article. I was hooked and forgot I was on gizmodo! More like this!

@Sabithomega: I feel the same way about xbox live. Where do all those racists come from? and how can they afford xbox live?