
I would have done the same thing. Phones infuriate me. Especially when I am trying to restrain perverts.

Although it seems nerd-chic to hate on Bethesda currently, they are still my favorite developer. This is most excellent news, as Arx Fatalis (as bad the interface was) blew my mind with its originality when it first came out.

@Raso719: Sheesh. Im sure it will receive some criticism, unlike "eastern rpgs" which are universally loved.

Looks like a lot of fun. The tweaks Obsidian has done to the gameplay sound awesome (hardcore mode? eff yeah!).

People, just because you suck doesnt mean everyone does! Lets not sling mud and make assumptions just because your jealous! pants

@Kamizzle: If its not on a Tshirt, I wont eat it.

Sheesh. After reading these comments, no wonder we are called the "doom generation"

@hsu1eric: Human centrism? Not some special species? Why dont we just give up and die already eh?

The day they release it is the day the dream dies.

The money-grubbing department at microsoft really are just screwing themselves over on this one.

Maybe this will convince sony to open up the platform. Still bummed I cant crack open my psp 3000. If I could play ports from old systems on it I would go banannas. I have tried some games for the PSP and just found them uninteresting to be honest. The ones I have enjoyed the most have been the ports from previous

@Thejapmn: What if its a two way mirror?

@AegisOrnus: If only they had "net neutrality t shirts", I would surely donte $35 for one.

@Nyarlahotep: Heeeey thats not fair. Our heads our normal we just have big bodies!

For the record, not all Art Institute places are shady. I went to the Art Institute of New England. 40,000 for my degree in Audio and Media Production. Two weeks out of school I was working at Bose.

The comments basically break down on lines of who would you want to control your internet: mega corporations or the government?

Dont be so cynical about this. 30 minutes to charge to almost full charge? Thats awesome! I love how electric cars get more doable every day. If only we werent so entrenched in our ideas, this sort of tech might take off.