
Hey now he somehow gets Presidential term limits removed (it would require a Constitutional Amendment) and he’ll be begging for a coup de grace from Honest Bob after the absolute beat down Barack lays on his ass.

Ehhh. Even raised with humans wild canids are still going to be wild. A hand raised coyote would probably be fine until it reached maturity when it would probably start to display more aggressive behaviour. Even if it didn’t with the people that raised it I sure as hell wouldn’t trust one around other animals or

In a just world, he’d be the eventual successor to Mark Emmert.

Took care of it for you above. You’re welcome.


There’s always disc golf on YouTube. I highly recommend Jomez Productions, or Central Coast Disc Golf.

The animal is fine. It’ll wake up tomorrow and it’ll be like this never happened.

If Mr Polanski wants to be reinstated, he should be able to be reinstated. Provided that he submit written justification for reinstatement in person to the Academy’s offices in California.

The winner gets the right to call themselves the winner of the Champions League. “Best team in the world” is a bit of a stretch for two teams finishing 3rd in their domestic leagues.

But still he persisted.

Is this about the golf team or the football team?


Yes, and they showed their outrage by going directly to the MSNBC afterparty.

This is the shit, right here. I could read this all day.

Missing a hand and about three inches on the bottom of those pants.

i stopped watching because everyone was so unlikeable. i couldn’t stand them anymore. there was no character to root for.

Wait, you’re telling me it was not only set in Sacramento (capitol of California), but also filmed there too?

I used to but eventually I realized the only fun ones are the geography quizzes and eventually you memorize all the answers and they’re not fun anymore.

Wegmans. It is heaven.

+1 Cross of Gold