
"The comedy hasn’t skipped a beat since the departure of creator Armando Ianucci, and Veep has arguably improved…"

"I hate to say it, that sounds like a network note from NBC broadcast standards or something." Quite ironic of Mandel to reference NBC broadcast standards when the show he's been running for the past year has been a distinct reminder of the stale bits of 30 Rock…

I thought Amy's WWII reference was out of place. Dan is terrible but Goebbels-level terrible?

Why is Governor Chung dancing in Richard's opera act? It's the Mikado too.

I think the new writers have done a good job referencing past jokes (awkward Facetimes, Kent's eccentricities, etc) but they haven't really contributed anything special of their own. The show has lost a lot of its sharp speed and cleverness and is now more reliant on sitcom hacks.

It's lost all the clever nuance. Armando Iannucci walked that fine line, he dropped references to his British/Scottish heritage here and there, but he was always more about enriching the characters.

JLD mentioned how she had to work with the British writers the first few seasons to tone down the cultural differences. It would've been weird if someone like Dan was yelling "blimey" or "bollocks." The Thick of It was profane and vulgar but the previous seasons of Veep walked a fine line. You could bleep out all the

I think that's where we differ. To me, Curb hasn't aged that well. It was a fun show that pushed boundaries but it was often more a show of characters pushing boundaries. Not much depth beyond the profanity/vulgarity and the self-referential comments. I'm not entirely confident the new showrunner has the capacity to

I never thought i'd back Jonah's congressional run but I love his dynamic with Dan, Richard, and his uncle. The glasses are cool too.

"Curb in the White House" is a perfect description. For what it's worth, I enjoyed Curb but it was never must-see TV for me and it had a tendency to get repetitive. I'm detecting some of the same notes with Veep this season.

That's an interesting point that Comedy Central used to be responsible for much of the Colbert Report's online engagement/web presence. Colbert fairly older than other late night hosts, so perhaps that was an oversight on his part with the new show.

Last year, the release date of the episodes coincided with real-time. The Easter episode took place around Easter, etc.

"Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Mrs. Ryan."

This episode was written and directed by the British gang that go way back with Armando Iannucci and they've been around for at least a couple of seasons. Hope they stay because this episode was ace!

I fear for Arkady. He hasn't had much of a role this season…they better not kill him off! I'm not really here for Oleg.

That's how i feel about the current season of Veep. They seem to be overly dependent on jokes set up in the previous seasons. It's still funny but there's no real character development or new arcs to be explored.

This is the first post-Iannucci episode that I like!

Or both! Maybe he did his undergrad at George Washington and got his law degree or Masters at Georgetown.

Definitely a legacy admission! His uncle probably paid someone to write the recommendation letter.

Good point. Come to think of it, Dan would also make sense at Columbia. I could see him try to climb up the ladder by working the Barnard girls from prominent families.