
So Amy's a UPenn grad, Selina went to Smith, Bill (poor Bill) went to Princeton…my money's on Dan being a Dartmouth bro. Richard's veterinary doctorate and knowledge of arcane constitutional law means he has to be a Brown grad. Jonah would make so much sense at Cornell, though I'm not sure he'd have the smarts to get

Was the joke about the 6 year old Asian kid a reference to the Oscars? I can definitely see the shift in tone with this new season. Many SNL veterans are on the writing staff and the jokes seem to hew to that show's structure (for better or worse).


In the previous season (it could've been earlier), wasn't there a scene where Elizabeth tells Philip that she worries less about Henry? I can't remember the specific episode, but E & P were talking in bed and she mentioned that Henry seemed to be the more resilient of the two children.

I think with Rebecca, we've seen a gradual downgrade in her wardrobe. When she first moved to West Covina, she was wearing Louboutins and carrying Birkins. Now, she's less flashy with her wardrobe (though her impulse purchases and spending habits are still out of control), which reflects her lower salary at the new

I thought it was great but unremarkably so. Laugh out loud lines here and there, but nothing too memorable. Not quite Streisand hitting a high C-level.

Same here. I like John Slattery but am somewhat dubious about his appearance on the show. Obviously, David Mandel has sterling credentials but I fear the show might be headed in a more Americanized direction…

The type of tofu used in soondubu jigae is the soft, melt-in-your-mouth kind. That's what the "soon" in soondubu means —- soft. Maybe Elizabeth bought the firmer tofu used for stir-fries…her Mary Kay friend will be disappointed in her!

This show makes no sense. Danny has left the practice now? Wouldn't that hurt the business…surely he's found a new practice?

My biggest pet peeve with this show is how the audience is supposed to believe Mindy is an accomplished OBGYN, when the show has repeatedly portrayed her as a frivolous spender and a tween with her head in the clouds.

Those last scenes with Nina were wonderful. Love that they did justice to her character, in spite of the downturn in her arc these past couple of seasons. I'd never really been convinced by her relationship with Oleg, never really bought into the Oleg persona (though his scenes with his father in this episode were

Same with the Korean dialogue at the dinner table during last week's episode. The overwhelming majority of the conversation flowed naturally. One of the extras had a more Americanized accent but I was impressed by that scene. Very unusual for an American TV show (even on cable) to commit to that level of authenticity.

I was thinking back to Elizabeth a couple of seasons ago. She was lecturing Paige/Henry about how much easier they have it (they get to choose what food they eat, watch TV, etc.) That's a level of freedom and independence Elizabeth never had in her life; she was never molly-coddled by her mother either.

Elizabeth and Philip's approach to the Paige problem is already so American. How old is Paige, she's at most 14-15 y.o. right now. If her parents were truly clear-eyed about their mission, they would've killed off the Pastor and passed it off as an accident.

Congrats to Cary Agos for getting out! I hate what the show did to his character.

Option 4 is to "work" Paige and get her initiated quickly to the point where Paige is the one to kill Pastor Tim. That would allow E + P to maintain a fundamental level of trust with Paige. Could even bring them closer together.

Cary was always a competent and super-ambitious lawyer though, right? What I don't understand is how a Harvard-educated lawyer would sit through this mess while his older, increasingly out-of-touch colleagues (save Diane) make things worse for his future prospects.

I found it interesting that they explored Rebecca's money problems. It seemed like a very realistic portrayal of the consequences of her reckless spending over the course of the season ($1k dinner at Jalapeno Jacks, writing a big check to the summer camp, etc). Plus, there was that time she rejected a $1 million