
Depends on the amount of meat in the sauce. Also, people tend to eat spaghetti with a side salad, so you get a good mix of everything.

"Would roast chicken served alongside a vegetable hash and noodles be considered a proper lunch? Because soup isn’t just hot water and salt. The humble chicken noodle soup combines all those separate ingredients into a dish that is more than the sum of its parts, because it melds all those flavors."

Size 8 or 10 seemed much more likely to me. It's not a big deal, but as a female who is conscious about her weight, I wanted to know how others saw it.

This is one of my favorite episodes this season. Some comments:

There's this one quote where Rory and Logan are lunching at the restaurant and Mitchum drops in: Logans mentions his family has a stake in the restaurant, which is the only reason why he ordered the >$300 bottle of wine.

I wish the show had fleshed out the story of Rory's professional struggles more. She was the editor in chief of the Yale Daily News for some time and well-liked among her peers. Wouldn't there be at least a few people from her class who decided to go down the journalism route? She would have plenty of connections.

Exactly. Medium and a Twitter account should've been standard, could've been the basis for quite a few jokes that at least show her making some kind of effort.

I always loved Richard's interactions with Rory. It was complex because Richard had very traditional notions of women when it came to Emily, but the grandfather in him wanted Rory to go out and establish herself as a world-beater. He respected her (which is not to say he didn't respect Emily, she was his ride-or-die

That scene where Rory says it's either grad school or groveling for jobs she doesn't want? Not only is that an incredibly privileged comment (only she would think the opportunity to attend grad school without having to finance it on her own is a major inconvenience), but it's also a struggle more suited to someone in

My bad. I'm not sure what the etiquette is here regarding spoilers. Will delete the comment.

The baby has to be Logan's, right? There's no universe where a jobless Rory could get by living in Queens while writing her book. I almost had to gag when Logan offered a house for Rory, while she wrote her damn book. He's too good to be true. Oh, to be a Gilmore in ASP's world!

I imagine when Richard passed away, she inherited a tidy sum. Plus, R + E had a trust fund set aside for her.

I am so disappointed by the ending. I'm with most people, I think Logan's probably the father. ASP's shows always seem to revolve around an emotionally lost woman whose finances are very well-taken care of (either by marrying the right guy or having his baby). Life would be a little too bleak if Rory ended up with the

It's true Paula initially enabled Rebecca's worst behaviors but I think she was honest enough with herself to eventually learn why she was doing that and is at least trying to get to a healthier place. Plus, it's not like Rebecca's romantic options were sterling…it was a choice between Josh and Greg, rock and a hard

I think this is one of the most honest portrayals of adult friendships. If they're not childhood friends from way back, chances are very low the friendship will stand test of time (and all the hardships that accompany grown-up life).

I used to enjoy this show because it used to at least occasionally remember Mindy was (allegedly) an accomplished OB-GYN.

I miss Trent. Seeing Trent might help Rebecca get her act together. She's spiraled hard since they last met. HE could be the one running scared now, which would really wake her up.

I'm glad they at least gave him a realistic sendoff, instead of turning him into a monster and denying he was ever going to leave *ahem, Mindy Project*

I love Greg's scenes in this episode, both with his father and Guardrail. Think the early conversation with his father clearly established how deeply Greg had fallen into a rut. The scene where his father sells the house so he can leave Greg some money and move into a retirement home…that's part of growing up, isn't

How old would Rory be in the revival? 30-31 years old? And she has no credit, no job? Even Lorelai was presumably doing better at that age.