Kristian Petterson

They can release my nudes if they want, who fucking cares? That’s how I deal with this shit.

cbt doesn’t always work though.

The reason why CBT is able to be studied more rigorously than other types of therapy is that it’s cookie cutter and easily standardized and doesn’t depend on the individual factors of the patient or the therapist (as pointed out in the article). That also means you can get most of the experience from a self-help app.

Have laws changed regarding donation to science? I couldn’t get any of my mom’s family to pitch-in when she passed 15 years ago*; I was speaking with the nurse who delivered the news, who offered me some advice about how to handle it.

Spending money on a dead person is comical.

...who should KNOW BETTER

Sounds like many of your coworkers should run and fuck right off.

Knowing your baseline normal can be difficult depending on your circumstances.

I grew up with a crap ton of trauma from a young age into my adult years. I wasn’t diagnosed with stuff till I was in my mid-20's, but it was at that point I realized that I had teetered between chronic depression, and extreme anxiety, and

So you don’t have to watch the video, here are the 5 features mentioned:

Swiss Army Man

I watched it so you don’t have to:

1) Being cold doesn’t make you catch cold, nor does going out with wet hair, but being cold has been linked to weakening you immune system and making you more susceptible to illness

2) There’s not scientific backing for the “Five Second Rule”, but you’re still probably okay if your

A “Mr. Coffee” type drip coffee maker

Well, that’s what it says on my CV, anyway!

I don’t speak French, is that like a CV? :P

UK? How about shortening your own version? “My mates and I are going on h-day to Cornwall!”

I haven’t had this issue yet but I know it is going to happen. I work with an LGBTQ person and they was born a man and dress like a woman. That persaon is still very clearly born biologically male and thier pronoun is she/her/hers. Not to her face yet but I keep refering to her as man and he. I know that it is just me

First official diagnosis 10 years ago, currently Severe Depressive Disorder. Lithium, Welbutrin, Prozac, Paxil, Remeron, Buspar, and two or three others I can’t recall right now plus various OTC meds and supplements. Four therapists, five counselors. One three day stay in a mental ward. I have about 80% of an idea how

Send me a link, I’d love to see it. I’ve never seen a product like this for less than $150.

Send me a link, I’d love to see it. I’ve never seen a product like this for less than $150.

Oh my god,who are all you morning people?

Christ almighty you’re an unnecessarily nasty person.