Kristian Petterson

The wording suggests you can’t do any of the others until #10 is established.

You missed one: The Person with ADHD.

“Remember that while a job search can be challenging, the right fit is out there”.

My imposter syndrome has its roots in my ADHD. After 30+ years of being undiagnosed, it became clear that my laziness, my lack of focus and motivation and my lack of interest in virtually anything beyond the initial stages of information discovery meant that, in many regards, I *was* an imposter as I struggled

It doesn’t matter if I say “I” or “you” or “we” - I still know it’s me talking.

What if the negative thoughts are correct?

In practice, this means pursuing and engaging in things that you’re passionate about, and/or truly matter to you”

Exercise is boring and it hurts.

What inspires you? What gives you energy? Who do you prefer interacting with, and what about those interactions is interesting, exciting, or thought-provoking?!”

Avoid thinking about yourself at all costs.

Budget? Are you on crack?

For 640, it had better give amazing b**wj**s.

For 640, it had better give amazing b**wj**s.

But how to overcome the intense feeling of hating every second?

If this podcast helps you, you’re not really a procrastinator in my book - you’re just a normal person.

“After a few days, your body will be okay with the new wake-up time.”

This article has, inadvertantly, made me realise that I’ve never successfully adopted a new habit - at least not that I can recall.

A product that just does one thing?

Ah, a Latin scholar!


So, if kettles are uncommon in America, what’s the most popular “hot beverage in the AM" procedure?