
Don't forget, "Oh, she's just so strident!"

Yeah all the women who this will effect, how’d that work out for you?

But Hilary just didn’t INSPIRE me to vote."

Thandie Newton says she needed to feel uninhibited. When I wish to feel uninhibited, I go to an all-you-can-eat sundae bar.

What about Seinfeld? He not only knew the girls age but also dated her for awhile. I still recall people claiming it was okay because she was “mature for her age”. 

My other post was embarrassing and real-life, so I separated the one that’s emotional and possibly-supernatural.

This is one of the very best ghost stories I’ve read in several years of these posts, and was also such a palate-cleanser after going through way too much of the not-supernatural scary stuff.

So this isn’t the scariest thing, but it just happened so I figured I’d share.

My uncle was a paranoid schizophrenic and deeply disturbed. He was a minster when I was a child, but by the time I was in middle school he was off the reservation, so to speak. He had fantasies about marrying the Virgin Mary. He wouldn’t wear the color green because the Rolling Stones were using green to persecute

I hate that we can’t bookmark this shit. I keep losing my place!

In college, I played in my University’s symphony orchestra and we took a trip to San Antonio, Texas for a performance. The school put us up in the Menger Hotel, a very fancy and well-known hotel that is situated right next to the Alamo in the center of downtown. The Menger is also famous for being haunted. I’ve never

Sorry, this turned out longer than expected. It’s not creepy in the way typical horror stories are, but it’s a story I’ve always wanted to share, and this seems like an appropriate enough forum. My story takes place spring 2000. I was 17 and going through a rough time. One of my older brothers had unexpectedly passed

My wife read that story about the little hole in the wall to me, and now we have resolved that when our daughter moves out on her home, we are going to buy her the biggest dog available. We are going to find a dog that could eat a Volkswagen and it is going to be her roommate. 


When I was around ten years old, I had some friends at my house for a sleep-over. My parents were out for the evening, so we were in the care of my Noni, my Italian grandmother, who divided her time living with us and my two aunts. We decided to play with a Ouija board and scare ourselves. We huddled in my bedroom, tur

The neighborhood where I grew up is no longer there. The woods have been cleared out to make way for executive homes, all but the little family plot of gravestones. I didn’t know until I was a teenager that my brother’s friends say it was haunted, that a black dog would follow them through the woods but disappear.

The Argo

Hi Frida,

Medium creepy story, but very affecting part of my life...

Wow I finally have a contribution!