
That sums up how I feel 24 hours a day. 

I read this story last night and its goddamn awful all over but one thing that really stuck out to me. To the doctors who protected this guy: fuck you. You have a duty to your patients. Not some fucking system. Not your other doctors. If a patient comes to you and you can see there has been dangerous misconduct you.

Miso is a common prescription for women getting IUDs inserted too. Is that against the pharmacist’s beliefs? Fuck him.

I GUARANTEE you they’ll fill boner pills...’cuz...blessed be the fruit and all that.

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

I saw this yesterday and what made me maddest of all was that he didn’t tell her that someone else could fill it, nor did he tell her it was transferred to another location. What if she didn’t have transportation to get there? If *he* didn’t want to fill it, he should have at least been responsible to tell her a) when

Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me

“The Pirates of the Caribbean star said he decided to start writing a memoir on an old typewriter to cope with his post-divorce depression as he toured with his band, Hollywood Vampires.

We don’t care if American children get shot at school, so why should we care if brown children kill themselves. I walk around in a constant state of nausea at what this country has become.

Im a blonde haired, blue eyed woman, with two mixed race boys, who look just like the children pictured in these articles. These pictures are a punch in the gut, they literally take my breath away because I see my babies faces. I guarantee you if the racist dumb fucks in this country saw their babies faces in the

I’m a brown woman and today we went to a local water park. My 12 year old needed help because she was wet and her sports bra was all sorts of twisted. I just read this story and thought, “who helps the girls in the camps? Who kisses them goodnight? Who smiles with joy when they do awesome kid stuff? Who holds

Remember all the people screaming about how Obama was going to round up people and put them in FEMA camps? Well now it’s really happening, and it happening to children. Where are all the conspiracy theorists now? Out buying new MAGA hats and assault rifles is my guess.


Somebody: “Good those parents shouldn’t have brought their kids in the first place there’s NO MORE ROOM GET OUT”

Even though SATC is hailed for being groundbreaking, I still view it as a pretty conservative show when it comes to being single. None of the women seem to be genuinely happy while they are single, except for Samantha, and even she had a few breakdowns whenever she was alone and had nobody to unzip a dress, undo a

After a few sessions, one gave her a tearful hug, because she was the only PT in town who would help or even touch her.

Yes. I think middle-aged people (like me) may have a better perspective on what things were really like in the ’60s and ’70s. If it got out that a gay man was working on a children’s show, that would have been a huge scandal and there’s no doubt the show would have been shut down immediately. To Rogers, the show was a

After having read all this, I don’t really have much to add. Society and the marginalized LGBTQ groups is a complicated topic, and I’m not really qualified to come to any definitive conclusion.

But still, it illustrates the finite nature of Mr. Rogers’s ideals. “I like you just the way you are,” he often said, but in the case of Clemmons there was a caveat: “...I just need you to show less of the way you are.” This information through the lens of contemporary culture, in which an employer legislating what

“It wasn’t intended to kill him, the fact that he died is simply irrelevant” try that one in court.