
I would watch this show under one condition: John Goodman only speaks in lines from Barton Fink, Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona.

Fucking scum of the earth. These children survived a traumatic event, yet found the strength to fight for something they believe in. How can any sane person have this reaction?

Just having passed my first responder test, I can hit Rick here with some genius-level knowledge: CPR will not treat a bullet wound. Crazy, I know.

I’m charmed by your belief that she’s literate.

Hey same! GIANT MIDDLE FINGER TO THE US WORK/LIFE CULTURE. Also, if one more person says to me about anything“Well, I did it when I was pregnant/right after giving birth” I’m going to hit them in the face.

“found his desire to be available to pick up his kids from school was often questioned on interviews; people wanted to know where his wife was in the afternoons.”

I won’t disagree with most of what you wrote. I work in academia in public university in a state that doesn’t offer paid parental/caregiver leave. Having flex schedules is an option, but one that’s really only available to salaried staff and faculty. If you’re hourly, it takes a very good argument to get one.

This is all so fucking stupid and should scare the shit out of anyone flying with United.

I’m not sure I’d call higher ed progressive or family friendly, at least for women. None of the women I work with who are married or have children would probably say so. Academia is notoriously shitty about maternity leave—not that they don’t let you take it, but that women get seriously punished in their tenure

Ha. I remember some news reports several years back about how the French get at least five weeks of mandated vacation time, with no more than 35 hour work week — and by and large, the American response seemed to be, “Pff, they’re so lazy.” I’m just like, WHY DON’T WE THINK THIS IS A GOOD THING?! Working yourself to

These bros piss me off. Because I know their type and they take every opportunity to bring up their kids. Because, unlike their female coworkers, they get to use having kids as an “head of household” credential to ride that glass elevator straight up. Whereas for women, it works the other way around.

So now that shitty parental leave policies are affecting men (because more men have realized they want to be more involved as parents) does this mean we’ll finally get some improvement in paid parental leave? I guess it wasn’t important when women were asking for it. Sigh.

People keep making comparisons to Watergate; but compared to what we seem to be looking at here - possible collusion with Russia, a plethora of financial crimes, obstruction of justice, undermining the framework of American law enforcement - a little breaking and entering seems quaint.

Try The Blind Assassin.

So I used to work as a vet tech and every animal that flies has to get paperwork from their vet stating they’re up to date with vaccines and they’ve been examined (most airlines require an exam within 2-3 weeks of travel, for international travel it’s often more like 5-10days prior) and have been determined to be able

One... Missing pet?

If you’re coming here to ask why these families aren’t adopting, please show yourself out.

As someone who went through the ivf process, it’s not just the money for ivf, it’s the money for the meds, time off work, rearranging your entire life because NOTHING ELSE MATTERS when going through fertility treatment ADDED to the fact that whatever is in that freezer might be your best/only shot at parenthood. I

I listened to a podcast the other day that explained part of the reason why this is becoming more frequent. It’s not all because of the death of retail, and even as a someone who generally keeps up with business and economic news it was something I hadn’t quite realized.

Just so we’re clear, if what you say is true and they are seeking Chapter 11 protection, that is for a reorganization of the company (i.e. writing down debts, wiping out the equity, closing stores). It doesn’t mean that Claire’s is entirely going away. They will likely eliminate all the stores in underperforming