
I’ll never be over it. I was 18 during the ‘08 campaign, and I walked in the rain to my polling place off campus. I cheered and cried with my friends in the theater house when the results came in. He was the first president I ever got to vote for, and damn was it a good way to start—with a man who looked like me, and

Some days I’m just not sure how to continue living life while all this is going on. It feels irresponsible to go to work, have dinner with friends, sleep in on Saturdays. Is this what it was like to live in Germany in the 30s? I give money and I give time, but I feel like an asshole for keeping up any semblance of

The Geneva conventions should be modified to provide protections to deportees as well. ICE needs to be dismantled as a hate group in and of itself. Human beings should not be treated like this. What could ever be a reason to deny a human being rights to food, water and a restroom? The US has officially become the

Yup. She didn’t say one thing that wasn’t the hard truth. And we really won’t make any progress until we come to grips with all of the points she was making. White people that refuse to acknowledge our position and role within systems of oppression only serve to continue to provide cover for the “active” racists and

The Constitution has had the weight of a wet sheet of toilet tissue in the past when authorities and governments had decided it was so. The people remained silent because they benefited directly or indirectly from the actions taken. They’ve been brought up before, and those who either understand this or refuse to

Further into the video after she is in the car, another cop who I assume is a supervisor is explaining to the nurse how its no big deal if the cops break the law and take the blood illegally, that there are civil remedies for afterwards that will fix the situation, that if the cops broke the law anything that comes

Also buried in the story... he’s an ass

What was even worse when watching the entire video, is the officer flew off the handle by what was said by the supervisor on the phone, not by what the nurse said. He took his aggression out on her, for what someone else said. That’s fucked up. 

“after refusing to violate hospital policy”

Jesus - when she sobs ‘why is he so angry’ is heartbreaking. His hands are actually on her and no one around her is able to stop him. She’s totally vulnerable, he’s unstable and everyone is helpless to prevent him from forcing her into his car. How absolutely terrifying.

Important to point out it’s not really that it is hospital policy- the hospital’s policy is simply them complying with the Supreme Court’s ruling on this exact issue. She refused to permit him to violate the constitutional rights of the patient.

The nurse is charged with Obstructing Justice. The police had no warrant, they did not place the man under arrest, and the man did not consent. She was arrested for doing her job, and they are abusing their positions. What kind of messed up world is this? The police want respect, then respect others. I hope she and

LOOK AT THOSE OTHER COPS STANDING THERE. I want everyone to remember that every time people start talking about how cops that do things like this are just “a few bad apples.” Remember that the rest of that saying is “ruin the whole bunch.” They stood there and did nothing, just like the cops who were on those planted

Yeah, it was bad enough already, but now they know the DOJ isn’t going to complain if they violate anybody’s rights.

Divorce attorney here:

How can any person unironically refer to themselves as a “content maker”?

What is the world?

He had sex. That’s all he did. She is going to have a child.

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag have not yet given birth to their kid[...]”