when you've met a tiny 5-year-old raped so hard she couldn't sit down for days,
when you've met a tiny 5-year-old raped so hard she couldn't sit down for days,
Well yes, if you were 15 in 1994, it was the law. But honestly, I don't remember MSCL being particularly trail-blazing in terms of fashion. Angela and Rayanne definitely dressed the way that teenage girls did at that point, but that was kind of what was great about it. Neither of them were trendsetters. We didn't want …
I try to explain to people younger than me, what Tiffani-Amber Thiessen meant to pre-teen girls in the early 90's. Like, we all wanted to be just like her, even though we knew we didn't have a shot in hell. I bought fucking floral shortalls and wore them with a raspberry colored t-shirt, for fuck's sake.
Emotion, huh? I'm not the one crying about The Liberals trying to take away my pet assault rifle.
I don't know....how many first-graders have to be slaughtered in their classrooms before you mouth-breathers stop yodeling about your "rights being infringed upon?"
Think of all the near missed tragedies that you had or your parents had with you. NO ONE is a perfect parent.
Can't. Still too upset.
I'm almost certain Bran is Miss Cleo. You know, the visions and stuff.
I actually know a family with one of those pages for their son. Not very well, but they are related to a very good friend of mine. While I'm pretty sure they are legit, and the kid really did have the illness, go through the surgeries and treatment and seems to be doing really well these days, it's kind of weird how…
I wonder if he's into Orphan Black, because there is nothing in the world I want more than to hear the names he would come up with for the clones.
As an aside, I'm always surprised when I hear GRRM's actual speaking voice. If anyone should be allowed to walk around talking like Steve the Pirate, it's him. But then I hear him talk and he sounds like my uncle from Hoboken, and it throws me off every single time.
Right? If you want to wear jeans, wear jeans. If you want to wear yoga pants, wear yoga pants. Your Joga pants aren't fooling anyone, anyway.
Jared is basically the Axe Body Spray of jewelry stores. They have all these dumb commercials like "Oh, if you buy your wife a necklace from Jared, she'll temporarily forget what a festering ass infection you are." The tag line is "He went to Jared!"
He throws his Anthropologie catalog off the sundial....
See also:
Pale, fair-haired people: WEAR SUNSCREEN!
Fuck public bathrooms. That's why I always travel with a Bumper Dumper.
Flaca can totally borrow my iPod.
Motherfuckers who serve pie at a wedding better expect to get murdered.