
Please tell me that "L" is for "Lesbian Shit-asses"

Who is hanging out with this dickhead dudes?? I have a lot of male friends, a brother-in-law, a husband, and some brothers. I guess because I don't hang out with assholes, I don't hear this sort of talk? I'm not super pretty or skinny. I don't wear makeup. I'm taller than most men, let alone women. I have bushy

This is the problem: they weren't evil. They were humans with common character traits exposed to a particular kind of stimulus.

My husband is a trainer who focuses on how people enjoy their lives. He wants all his clients to be able to do what they love for as long as possible without injury. We're working on his website these days. The before/after section consists of picture of his clients doing what they love (fully clothed) with a little

Relevant to inner goddesses:

I work at a history of science LIBRARY. You'd think that a bunch of nerds would be down with the movement. Yes, ladies work here (we all have cats and vast collections of cardigans), but the technology and upper management positions are all held by men (surprise! They also pay more!). I've tried pointing this out to

Tangentially, it always warms my cockles when casual references to Chicago show up in your pieces, Erin.

Because I don't catch any of the NYC references but when you say "It's the face your clients will look at during dinners out at Rosebud" that I get. Do I ever get THAT.

The members of ALM recognize an important truth: the Old Boys' Club of fraternities are a huge part of the legacy power structures in this country. Part of the impetus for starting ALM, Mahmoud says, was so that the members of ALM could get closer to members of other more long-standing fraternities and "develop

#1: FUCK YEAH, ZOOBOOKS. Those jawns were all over my room in middle school.

Lindy - did you have the box of animal cards sorted by their phyla that told you everything you'd ever possibly want to know about each animal? It was an insanely obsessive amount of information and I memorized nearly the entire box. I think I ordered it off some ad in Ranger Rick. :) I was obsessed with knowing

Talk to me 27 years in. At this point there are no bodily mysteries that aren't potentially cancerous. So if my husband wants to think of me — short, scrawny brunette with sharecropper legs — as Heidi Klum, I'm flattered. Honestly, I've never asked.

I am choosing not to have kids, and honestly, I haven't gotten that much flack for it. I think I'm the kind of person that no one really thinks would be a good parent, or that they think should reproduce. I'm 26 and had my tubes tied when I was 23. I'm still very satisfied with the decision. No one pressures me

Nowadays, the only romantic weddings are gay weddings. Why? Because most heterosexual marriages I've observed are really just business partnerships —with a failure rate rivaled only by the restaurant industry — that people are culturally pressured into entering into at around 30 because that's the only socially

Well i think there is one team where this chicanery might be tolerated....

FN white people, im so tired of those white beasts, send them back to Europe .

God, I was briefly terrified that Morgan Freeman was dead and this was some sort of tribute.

Aaah! You just made me tear up, in public, on my train home. Cheers! Thanks for the drink, and have a great weekend!

Wish I would have told my eldest daughter this. I just never thought she was the type to be easily fooled.