
No, it’s pretty awesome—Kirk travels back in time and his mom falls in love with him instead of George, and he has to correct the timeline and get back to the future before it’s too late. There’s a great scene where Spock sneaks into George’s bedroom and, since his species cannot lie, accurately identifies himself as

I’m....I don’t...what level of reality are we supposed to be operating on here?

I give you the 16th Doctor

Nextwave is one of the most criminally underappreciated comics of the last 20 years

Do you think they’ll include Cable’s backstory of being the son of Cyclops and a clone of Jean Grey (Said clone would later go crazy after Scott ditched her for Jean once she came back to life.) and would get infected with a virus engineered by Apocalypse that would turn him into a crazed cyborg but was sent into the

Death metal band.

Does anyone really come to B99 for the plot? The only time a B99 plot matters is the Halloween specials. Otherwise I want jokes and the crew making me feel fleetingly good about the world because they’re in it until I remember that oh yeah, they’re not real cops, cops are definitely not like this at all.

I have the same quibbles about the story too, but when a show makes me laugh and laugh often — from poor Rosa’s undercover salon stint from (her) hell, the frequent belly scoots out of the room (“I’m sorry you had to sit through that absurd conversation” *scootscootscoot*), and Holt’s super-formal texts — I can live

Fuck you bootlicker.

Breaking news: J.K. Rowling likes money, wants some more money.

It’s got to be a version of “Get Help.” Loki gives a fake cube as a distraction, Thor attacks, Loki and the Hulk shepherd the Asgardians to Earth, the Hulk crashlands in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

But, if the whole police dept was scouring the streets for HER, then who was doing all of the shooting, beating and robbing?

> Not a fan of the original

Doubtful a lot of little girls will discover Ghostbusters through Stranger Things. The people that love this the most are bitter dudes who hate that anything lacking a penis play with their toys.

Can’t take credit, but I have a friend who said:

Somebody whose parents were murdered by Klingons and then went to school on Vulcan where the learning centre messed with her head about her trauma.

Well...okay. That is unfortunate.