
I dunno, I wanna see the Cube in action.


They should’ve made a Hail Mary pitch to Netflix, how could they pass up Fyre Festival ON MARS?

Say it with your whole chest: NEXTWAVE.

I think it’s pronounced Netscape.

>Gene is such a reliable delivery mechanism for one-liners and also farts.

I would be so happy for this to be my eulogy and/or headstone. 

Gene singing Heart (On rollerskates! On horseback!) had me *gasping*. My television moment for 2018.

I saw Solo for the first time on Friday and until now had completely forgotten about Maul. Really, what was the point? It just felt like one more laboured attempt to canonize and really average film:

This is embarrassing, please stop.

I am actually in my thirties, loved the ‘80s cartoon, but have to say the most recent Nick incarnation was fantastic, and easily the best. I think the vein of absurdity that ran through it gave it an edge - the cheese phone, Ice Cream Kitty, butt launchers...

Got any clarky cat or triple-sod?

Everyone form a human shield around Bob’s Burgers.

I’d be okay with Kelvin-time counterparts to Detmer or Owosekun from Discovery making it to the Enterprise bridge crew. Don’t see any reason why it couldn’t work.

Not gonna lie, best comment ever.


Played by Zawe Ashton, please.


Now that the Culture’s coming to the screen, the one thing I really want is a Blue Ant series. Adapt the trilogy, and then spin out Bigend’s further adventures navigating, and manipulating, obviously, this ridiculous decade.

*Nick Offerman has joined the show as a guest star. He’ll play the Ambassador to the United States and father of Warlock, a child mistakenly believed to be the Antichrist.