
I could see John Barrowman as Bigend. 

A grown-up Monica Rambeau.

With the introduction of the watermelon shark and watermelon parrot, one kind of has to wonder if the ecological contamination Steven has unleashed means that this whole show is actually just a prequel to Annihilation, with Beach City as Area X.

Honestly the most annoying thing about this to me is they got the shoes wrong. I don't care that they're trainers instead of pointy socks but why is there no white stripe? Sonic wears literally 1 article of clothing and they still manage to fuck it up.

Danny Rand is first and foremost, a spoiled american rich kid who finds himself in an exotic new world. A rich Asian-American boy who wears Nikes, plays video games and is chauffeured to school is simply not a big stretch of the imagination. The argument that Rand needs to be white to stand out is tantamount to

It was some Hollywood magic; he simply jumped 30 feet vertically and they rotated the film by 90 degrees.

Who do I root for? On one side, we have a nonverbal orange-haired monster, concocted by capital to appeal to and siphon money from unsophisticated rubes, who has irritatingly saturated social media and (perhaps due to forces somewhat beyond his control) politicized sports. The other is Gritty.

Oooohh! A Sailboat!

But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler! What a dick!

I’m sure he’ll get picked up by some Space Nazi buddies who were in the area for the weekend doxxing a nearby anti-Space Nazi planet.

GET some

My theory is that the reason the Dominion is so totalitarian is that they do have a frontier on which they are fighting the Borg. Jem Hadar seem engineered to make assimilation impractical. Vorta can be cloned immediately upon being killed, and it would explain why everything about the Founders is so secretive. The

Guess I’m the minority who really liked Chappie. :( Strange quirky movie but I like it. Edit: I like all Blaumkopmpt , whatever, movies.

truly incredible collection of comedic talent

Now playing

Babylon 5, “Severed Dreams” if nothing else than for this moment.

I mean it would be a hi-larious twist though.

“I loved your mother Steven, but she could be kind of an asshole sometimes.”

While I don’t think they’ll go so far as to cast Rose as an asshole, if there’s any show that’d be willing to pull of a move resulting in “our pure-minded fallen leader was way more selfish and flawed than she let on”--and do it well--it’d be this one.


The thing that stuck out to me the most: when altering reality, Thanos turns anything harmful into bubbles. Bubbles, of all things. The guy is a monster, but somehow there is some weird gentler side within him. After all it seems he did care for his children, even if he forced them to live hard lives, abduction and