
Regular coverage! I am making my voice heard! Internet!

Regular coverage! I am making my voice heard! Internet!

I don't know what the hell it is but I forget about this show every single week lol. Hopefully my DVR actually caught it this time, for some reason it failed to record last week.

The second it came on screen I figured Finn would take it and it'd somehow play into the Flame Princess thread. Guess not lol.

This is what killed the weekly behind-the-scenes-ish Mathmatical videos on YouTube :(

Hell yes.

That's part of my pitch when I tell people about the show as well, lol.

Thank You was awesome. I hope we get more episodes like that on occasion. The show has an amazingly rich, imaginative and unique world. I loved getting a glimpse of life in another corner of Ooo.

Them's fightin' words.

Pop what, Bucky? POP WHAT?

Reading the review, I definitely filled in a second "pop" when I read "and it’s the first one in a while I can think of where all three subplots really have moments that pop"

Son of a bitch

Damn it, Netflix, no. Terriers. Look into Terriers. You bastards.

I read the first, it was awesome. 100% in step with the show's tone and humor.

I'm looking forward to Hunger Games, but this is a good move. AWESOME movie.

Can't wait for the (theoretical) season sets. I will give them all of my money. (I wish Blu-Ray was in the cards as well, the show looks AMAZING in HD, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'm stunned that anybody has anything positive to say about this episode.

I'm still surprised by just how good Arthur Christmas was. The ads looked beyond terrible and I had to be practically dragged into the theater, but it wound up being pretty awesome (and the best new Christmas movie I've seen in years). Fun, clever movie. Definitely a shame it didn't get a nomination.

I saw it last week, it gets a bit too broad at points but it's actually pretty funny. I think people will be surprised.