
Jeff Gerstmann is still a threat.

Their last two albums have been pretty good.

Using the term "social justice warrior" in a non-ironic way is a very quick way to get added to my (ever-expanding) list of People On The Internet Whose Opinions I Automatically Ignore. Fucking hell.

My big problem with the album so far is that I've never loved the Beach Boys kind of sound, and while they've clearly been an influence on Weezer in the past, they really weren't kidding about the *overt* influence here. Wind in Our Sail in particular makes my skin crawl, like I'm trapped looking at the paintings in a

Had a bit of a rollercoaster with my reaction to this lol. Initially I went straight to "Nope, nope nope nope." If it was a completely new thing dealing with new characters and similar themes (and maybe a few nods to the original), then hey, sure, why not? But a direct sequel… just doesn't feel right for this story.

Battleship is a movie that features alien ships firing yellow Battleship pegs at boats and opens on Tim Riggins getting drunk and trying to steal a burrito from a 7-11. Movie's alright in my book.

I dunno, I've liked the white album songs so far. I hope people are willing to give them a chance again, Everything Will Be Alright In The End was their best album since the 90s. For a long while I was one of the "Blue and Pink and screw the rest" people, but they won me back over the last few years.

Enjoying the "being good again" direction Weezer has taken lately. Everything Will Be Alright In The End is really worth checking out.

Broken Age was the first Kickstarter game of that scale, it's not really surprising that the production had some hiccups along the way (which were excellently documented and explained in the Double Fine Adventure series, which they really should have made public from the get-go). They have a couple of these under

Assumedly they would show what she was up to while "off screen" in the books as they have with Theon.

Holy shit, I didn't realize we were doing this. Time to watch FNL again!

I hadn't been too interested in Adventure Time for the first couple seasons, watching the occasional episode and finding it relatively amusing, but s3's What Was Missing is what made me suddenly fall for the show, hard. The whole series is a wonderful mix of endless imagination and the kind of subject matter that

"May we send you future screening passes without asking first?"

Weird guitar.

Watched the first seven episodes of Elementary recently. I like the actors and the different take on the story, but the actual cases of the week are no less boring than what you get in every other CBS procedural. I'll give it a few more but it's very quickly losing me.

Paul Robertson? Well, the sprites. He put them up on his site, too -

Paul Robertson? Well, the sprites. He put them up on his site, too -

Surprised nobody has mentioned Mabel asking what a variable is while being framed in the equation. Small thing but made me laugh.

Surprised nobody has mentioned Mabel asking what a variable is while being framed in the equation. Small thing but made me laugh.

Surprised nobody has mentioned Mabel asking what a variable is while being framed in the equation. Small thing but made me laugh.