nocturnal emulator

That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,

I do enjoy the complaint about run-on sentences within a 96-word, full paragraph of a sentence.

Why, do the boxes taste better? 

The soccer comments are dickish because Billy has been told the same complaints about his writing over and over and over for years - enough with the ridiculous paragraph-long run-on sentences, the use of fourteen paragraphs to make an incredibly banal point that could have been made in two sentences, the constant

they saw this and he was still acquitted. jurors are trash, straight up trash

Cleave to sports!

However, the writer did appear to be knowledgeable, which is a potential downside, according to a recent survey I saw.

The A’s home whites are one of the nicest uniforms in baseball.

Hey did you know that ‘Van Der Heyden’ is Dutch for ‘Shut the fuck up tomato you moron’?

Man, this is such a pitiful attempt at deflecting, and imagined “sowing of discord.” Jesus Christ on a vintage pogo stick, it even brings up Clinton, from three years ago.

$16 billion in tariff victim/US farmer welfare is mostly certainly and definitely lib propaganda.

is that Kaepernick himself has already profited from the very same move Jay-Z is using now.

Guys? I think we need to look out for Sam. That’s just brutal.


I like him because I don’t take myself too seriously. And hearing plenty of interviews with him he knows what he’s doing. It’s goofy and certainly not for everybody but I prefer that to some psycho like Jack Edwards or Tommy Heinsohn who scream bloody murder every time a call goes against the home team

Honest question: do Yankees fans actually like Sterling’s work? He seems to me to be such a preening, clueless parody, but maybe that’s the appeal?

. . . Too Small a Space

Whelp, I’m gonna get me a rocking chair, a bag of Werther’s chocolates, and start voting Republican I guess, because I am officially too old for this shit.

My friend I were playing Pong. My friend and I now stand facing each other from about 7 feet apart and we throw a ball in the middle of us and try to hit it with our chest back and forth. Damn you video games!

lol i gotta stop pulling that kinda shady shit