nocturnal emulator

Where were all the good guys with guns?  I thought everyone in Texas was packing heat

It’s a race to see which republican will be the first to offer up the all powerful “thoughts and prayers”. 

Don’t worry, everybody! The governor of Texas is on top of things and has arrested...the gal who licked the bucket of ice cream.

See also:

If you had a disease that killed over 33,000 people a year, the government would take active measures to address that.

Every president is worthy of some amount of criticism. Some a magnitude or two more than others. Obama certainly had his fair share of liabilities in his two terms that are accurately referred to above.

It would be “too bad” if Trump fatally rage stroked-out and his disease riddled carcass toppled over and crushed Mike Pence’s soft skull.

Sick of hearing from thirsty-ass Ryan, Hickenlooper, and Delaney. We have more than enough mediocre centrists trying to dampen voter enthusiasm and hijack the spotlight.

Beto seems like a waste of a spot. I’d trade him out for Castro in a heartbeat. Castro may not be quite there yet but he’s been debating very well and seems extremely on-point, and I could see him being a serious contender in 8 years.

Lindsey Graham is the embodiment of why so many people despise politicians. Within only about two years, he went from one of Trump’s biggest critics in the GOP to a constant defender. In fact, I think the awfulness of people like Graham were one of the biggest appeals of Trump, who was not a wishy-washy politician and

Saying “it was the wrong choice of words” suggests that there are other words she could have used to make the same point which would have been better. I’m curious as to what she thinks those words would be. She’s not even apologizing for suggesting that Sen. Harris slept her way to the top, just for the words she used

Poor Tim Ryan:

I made a sticker for Ryan:

Non-consensual kissing is not okay. That fact that the ball wants to give him a little kiss doesn’t give it the right to do that. I think the batter’s body language demonstrated his reluctance clearly enough that the ball should have known it was unwelcome, even if he didn’t explicitly say “No”. Best to use a standard

That one hit home, and I’m not even a Giants fan.

This whole situation is a mess of “he said, he said, they said, these other guys said, video cut #1 said, video cut #2 said”.

Objectively good commenters:


Traitor Trump gets convicted first.