Kinda upset that Milk and Honey Original Café Mix was left off this list
Think about Warren like LeBron in the eastern conference in this setup
Sum 41 once said that we're all to blame
Kinda surprised The Dark Night Rises hasn’t showed up here yet. Between the “grow a beard then shave it off and realize I’m Batman” happening TWICE in one movie, the nonsensical twist of having the love interest having the bomb the whole time and doing nothing about it, and every citizen vanishing between the football…
So glad I got to go to that Temple of the Dog concert at the garden in 2016
Exactly. At the rate we're going people will be starting their 2024 push before the 2020 election
“a Dem hasn’t won in a Census year since Kennedy in 1960
The problem is that she makes people go in two extreme camps, the “love everything she does” camp, and the “crazy extreme leftist is so StOoPiD” camp with nothing in between, so it's kinda hard to get a read on that. My guess is that the majority just don't care.
boy it sure is nice that none of these games were given away by the epic games store at some point
The best use for your standard grade plastic knife is to spread condiments
Why don't we send him to Mercury? We haven't explored that one yet
Oooooo hitting up the “mediocre white guy but with salt and pepper hair” coveted demographic
Man, good thing all those non aborted babies can grow up to be dead soldiers!
Glad y'all decided to give some love to shot put. It really doesn't get enough coverage around these parts
Can't wait until he calls for snow emergencies in the rest of the country!
A svelte 242 lbs, huh
Also tack on a report on how many times Harden travels doing a stepback