nocturnal emulator

Funny, I could have sworn that the current GOP were a bunch of originalists? 

Guessing we gotta come up with different flavors of instant oatmeal with every loss

I find this impossible to believe.

News flash: the USMNT was, has, and always will be, trash. 

Well, that's an unfortunate acronym

Still trying to figure out who Azealia Banks is

...except we're on Civ VI now, buddy!

It’s like they saw Edge do one of his terrible spears and were like “YEP THATS HOW YA DO A TACKLE”

If you need your mouse to hover over the tab to tell what it is, you should probably close em! Chances are, the tab will have to reload itself and boom, you just lost what you were saving. Think of it like your house; eventually ya gotta clean that shit. 

Just keep this in mind; every time you see a Haisley post, keep a TL;DR handy

The suspect is a white male?!? I'm utterly shocked!

Third place sounds really alarming, until you realize they're only two games back of Colorado and Arizona, who are tied for first

I thought my girlfriend was the only one, unless you're her

There’s a difference between “game that uses no original assets” and “game that was pre-made in Unity and sold as is with no modifications”


He can't be that tall if he's gonna be able to fit inside one of them Russian nesting dolls

Well that’s disappointing.

Paying Haisley by the word is a detriment to union negotiations 

Answering the phone is how you answer it incorrectly 

Nothing like spending $154 mil for a 51-31 record and a first round exit