
All of your comments in this thread have been goofy, and this latest one is no exception. Of course, Obama could have launched a missile strike without authorization. He could’ve done a lot of things. What he did do, when the Republicans refused to authorize his plans for striking against Assad, was stop the Syrians

Well, whatever he did, Obama did enough to get Assad to stop using chemical weapons. Which this President promptly encouraged in his first 13 11 weeks in office. Don’t believe me? Maybe let’s ask a Republican Senator...

Wait till you hear what they’re asking for in return for Mr. Peabody.

That’s why you don’t take a gun to an “other guy has a gun too” fight.

That’s not how a “referendum” works.


“Bonner Bolton and Sharna Burgess”

Turns out that stench was just Danielle Serini 

Well, two oddities really.

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.”

“Steve Bannon is what stupid people think smart people sound like.”

There is no way, that a man who was in his early 50s at the time, didnt have his personal politics set in stone by then. And, as hamno points out, his actions since then are leading in the exact opposite direction of preventing another situation as to what happened to his father.

reeex burkheaaad. he’s the man whose name you’d love to touuuch

It always comes down to transubstantiation versus consubstantiation.

The sport used to be governed on an international level by a cabal including Tokyo Sexwale and Jerôme Champagne.

You’ve given the liberal orthodox take which the Democrats are evidently willing to continue to stand and lose on. This is the idea that free trade is one thing, and is either on balance good or bad. American leftists has long opposed free trade agreements like NAFTA, TPP, etc because the negotiated details of these

Now playing

I was fortunate, I guess, to watch this game in 199o at Seattle Center Coliseum (now Key Arena). The highlight is when the fan rips a stick out of the air and starts clubbing back.

This is a blog, not the news.

Roman Prefect. Tiberius was Emperor.