
I think most of the former Presidents would disagree. Extramarital relations as POTUS are a tradition unlike any other.

Could you find this Craigslist ad? I just want to see how its worded

Go on...

2 Kings 2:23-25 has been my favorite verse for a long time and I think it is prudent for you all to read it.

Underrated comment

This guy gets it. With the rules slanted so much to the benefit of the offense, how can you possibly not give both offenses the ball?

Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays.

I miss seeing his giant, terrifying face on the drive in to Baltimore

That’s Coach XYZ Banana Idiot to you

I played HS football, was lucky enough to have HS rugby, as well as playing rugby in college and in various men’s leagues, and I was more injured from 4 years of high school football than a decade of rugby. It not only has to do with tackling form/style, but also with the laws and philosophy of the game. There are a