
What if it's manipulation by Steven?

Can anyone tell me/remind me what that machine was? That enormous contraption Finn was working on early in the ep?

I would SO WATCH a spin-off with our dear Duffy: For the Wynn!

Superb ending for a superb show. It felt satisfying, even with its loose ends and low-testosterone conclusion. We didn't need another shooting.

That's exactly right and just what I meant. Dikachu and me, sharing a brainwave.

Yeah, I found this ep magical. "A" for me. Why? In some ways, for the very "thin"-ness Eric mentions in his review: the triumph of this ep is in showing us the sexy, confident, transcendent, glorious Gregg Universe that could capture the heart of the leader of a group of alien super-beings.

Yep. The best agents keep it as honest as possible, and let what isn't said be their shield. Everyone in The Americans knows it. Part of what makes the show so awesome.

I read that Nina confided to Anton she searched his room, found his letters, read them, and replaced them as part of her larger struggle to accomplish her mission: win his trust.

Saw this in graduate school. I was 24. No childhood memories. I'm not a Christian.

So, the Revolution will be *daytime* televised?

Yeah, I couldn't hate this episode. Wanted to, but couldn't. To me, though, it's like an April Fools episode, at once non-canonical and not to be taken seriously. So I got entertained for 11 minutes. With a lot of wincing, true, but entertained. Can't complain about that.

Somehow, this many years in, Justified stays true to its Elmore Leonard roots. This still feels like Leonard, from its shocks to its, "Oh yeah, that makes sense" thereafter, to its insistence that no matter how lowly or functionary, every character can make the choice to be a person.

I share your husband's instincts. Sure looks like him to me.

I thought I was first to spot it, but I just frame-by-framed, and boy "Robert F Sanchez" in the Wanted photo sure looks like the guy in bathroom with Jimmy!

I think I spotted #3 (Robert F. Sanchez) in the bathroom with Jimmy! See my comment above.

"Robert F Sanchez" is the name on the Wanted poster. Does anyone else see it?

Okay, I *swear* I saw one of the men from the "WANTED" posters in the bathroom!

For me, this episode was a tacit message to viewers: the show will remain about the people "of this world," that they believe in the Gems, that all the gems and citizens need to grow and continue to mature. Malachite may be a terrifying monster who's very hard to beat, but it's just as hard to figure out the right and

Jasper's fusion dance with Lapis Lazui was frightening, in its way. Fusion dances we've seen so far were based on love, shared need, exploration and other positive things.

So, so very happy the A.V. Club is reviewing Steven Universe once more. Thank you!