
I was in Tokyo a couple months ago, last time I was there was 5 years ago. It's already really different, I found. A lot more western tourists and seemed like a lot less 'surprise' from locals. After the 2020 games I'm sure it will be very, very different.

That and we just came out of a story that was supposed to be this world-ending ultimate villain that could only muster a gang of like… four followers and was easily bested by the third act. I mean, how do you up the stakes from that? The world and threats feel utterly cartoonish at this point. Logan worked by scaling

Brave, The Good Dinosaur, Monsters University, Finding Dory. The later two are OK but pale in comparison to the film they follow and are hardly comparable.

Good breakdown. It shows how successful Lynch was to break through into the mainstream and develop a signature aesthetic that most people recognize (even if they haven't actually seen his films). Considering we are in a period right now where everyone is trying to out-realism each other with films and series around

I just cant wait…. to get out.. of Africa.

When you put it like that you have a good point. I actually liked the character because he's so frustrating by design and epitomizes that meathead authority figure as an antagonist to Gloria, the middle-aged woman, or bottom-of-the-respect-barrel for guys like him. I usually find feminist themes in shows like these to

Still outdated, ass-backwards logic.

and then we'll get the prequel, spinoff, reboot and MCU tie in

To always keep you on your feet! Don't get too cozy with those acronyms!

LOTR was an epic though. And very much in keeping with epics of the past that were usually biblical or historical, right? LOTR is obviously different but still, fantasy, landscapes, you know.. I guess they are selling comic book movies as epics now… and giant space robot movies….

That's so fucked up. Michael Bay really has enough power with the studios to argue for a 3+ hour robot movie? When better movies are constantly getting cut down? Does he have final cut? If so, why?!

I was thinking that it could be to make more jokes/drama out of the gender politics as well as get-away from the campiness of fighting Nazis, especially given Captain America was already doing that and all the Hydra stuff. WWI is lesser seen in big movies like this so it's a welcome change for me. Also, it seems like

That was called "This Is The End" wasn't it?

She's just waxing on to sound good and get the sequel gig. Standard fare. And maybe it was a well-managed shoot and in Hollywood where 99% of the time everyone hates their life by wrap they might see that as a flawless, excellent experience. Or she's exaggerating for the execs. She's a lady trying to prove she's as

Yeah and that is so wild to me. We're in the age of art TV, not art film.

An artists opinion of their own work can sometimes inform the final product. We look at giant, indulgent mad movies like Apocalypse Now, Fizcarraldo, Heaven's Gate and talk about the investment or ego of the filmmaker and it helps understand the movies a bit. I think every single time I read or discuss any Orson

Maybe. I wonder how the hell you write something that massive. I wonder if the narrative pace is going to feel messed up because of the huge, huge scope of something like that with that approach. Guess we will see…

But why? Let the popcorn be popcorn. Let the 'auteurs' do original creative work.

Yeah. He's had his fair share of love at Cannes. He's also headed the jury before.

Roger could be a jackass too.