
Look what your positivity has done, it's brought the adbots!!!

It doesn't matter though. The AVC hivemind has already decided this show's fate and will review and comment on it as such. Whether the denizens of this angry little corner of the internet will have any sway or influence on the greater viewership overall remains to be seen… but… let's be honest, it won't.

When I was younger, they were the extreme right demanding Harry Potter books be pulled from libraries and schools. Funny how the pendulum swings.

Exactly! There are absolutely no parallels to the War of Roses because dragons!!!!

Stop pretending like you don't know what they mean.

Yes. That's exactly what they want.

Really? Then what are people accusing it of?

Isn't there also a show about an alternate history where Nazi's won WWII? Man in the High Castle? And yet… nobody cares!

You're doing the Lord's work, son.

"okay" sign?

We've reached pop culture outrage singularity.

But you just used 'her'?


There are always trolls that will just randomly spoil things in the middle of unrelated threads online — but for the most part, it seems like there is very little leverage, the TV industry lives in the reality of almost instantaneous online piracy. The idea that people can get their shows in a shittier resolution

No. Care to point any specific cases out?

I like that sentiment, like what the ending of MUNICH felt like, or ARMY OF SHADOWS — I didn't get that as much with ZDT because it made the raid on the compound into a setpiece and felt like a real climax. Maybe it ended in a way to tack on that sentiment but it felt like there was at least some bravado in the

ZDT didn't have any of the patience or the subtlety of ATPM or Zodiac. Neither of those movies had any of the hokey Hollywoodisms like writing in a big red marker on a glass office wall as a way to motive the plot. It had brilliant moments but overall it so simplified and reduced such a current and on-going situation

Don't you mean if you want a story that's super corny, contrived and fails at basic storytelling?

Reflektor has a lot of really fun energy too, people get bogged down in what they dislike about the darker songs.

Some of the lyrics of Creature Comfort are cringeworthy, but its a nice tune.