
I watched it after the series and didn't like it because I wanted it to serve the series and instead it is its own thing. It didn't feel 'Twin Peaks' like and a lot of people, myself included, rejected it for that. And that is a reasonable reaction, I think.

That's the thing though. The good shows are spread so thin across so many platforms/channels/whatever that nobody is cranking in those 90s numbers. Yeah 1-2mil for an episode when its live/new is pretty good. How many people catch up on shows later at their convenience? Share accounts? Pirate? A lot.

Same, too bad the Crave app is fucking abysmal though.

What was with the horrific over the top colour correction though? So blue!

Mostly funny in the 'you know you are old when' and I'm not even old enough that I was watching Twin Peaks when it first aired. I'm stealing pop culture aging! It's just funny to me to hear people watch Twin Peaks and have no idea about the look of the Black Lodge.

I thought it was just a tracker on the car?

There will always be a lot of that. Who cares. Funny thing is my girlfriend was talking about some guys at her work talking about it and she was listening in and they were all scratching their heads about it having only watched 'a couple' of episodes of the original run to get a sense of the show and thought 'it was

The way Coop left was really strange. It was the arm's evil doppleganger that let him leave when the arm itself said he had to remove evil coop first. So I assume once Evil Coop is gone, Cooper proper will return?

The thing with the music at the end is it doesn't seem to be COMPLETELY pointless - I kind of think its a funny way to sign off each ep, but each time we get a bit more. We see Bobby is there, he's been checking out Shelley, and now we learn of someone who might help with Cooper who is presumably drinking there. It's

EvilCoop always has pitch black eyes, check out the first two eps again.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like this year's festival is a bit of a dud? Doesn't sound like there are any major surprises. And of the best bets nothing is that appealing sounding to me. All the big returning figures are putting out middling-to-fine efforts, not much surprise from the newcomers. A lot of

They paid them $200 to be a national ad?? I assume it ran on TV right? Wow, how low do these ad agencies need to stoop? And to deceive people, hiding the fact that it's a car commercial so they don't, what, demand more money? I always thought they were just actors. Gross.

Your point in the second last paragraph is spot-on. I think your argument is flawed in drawing comparisons to say, King Lear/Ran, etc. you're using examples where a source material is completely transplanted to a new setting and context and the skeleton of the story repurposed for it. This film is clearly slavishly

Have you watched Fargo? I haven't found it to be trying to ape the Coen's much at all. Aside from easter eggs and whatever that people like to pick apart, the story each season is extremely well crafted, the cast is always amazing and the production is fantastic. It's great.

Really? that marble scene was amazing for me. I felt like I was watching a surrealist painting coming to life. For something so abstract, having 'realistic' effects is sort of redundant, no?

What did you think of The Arm? That had major Eraserhead vibes. As well as the smoke head stuff and the weird sphere that replaced Dougie's head.

Yeah, I don't know if that was ever meant to connect or was just a fun coincidence.

I am really feeling the absence of Harry. The police station scenes really feel empty without his warm presence. It's a real shame he won't be in this one.

I had the same thought! I'm sure we all did.

I was thinking that first 15 minutes was the most Eraserhead Lynch has been since then. I find it incredible that we live in a world where we are watching fairly mainstream 'art TV' - not art movies, art TV.