
Yeah, I find it odd that she is so offended and off-put by people not taking this film as seriously as she claims its meant to be taken. She compares it to Belle de Jour? This movie is full of wooden performances and an over-the-top dreamy aesthetic that can only be seen in two ways: a. camp or b. incompetence. I

I want to jump in and share my thoughts, whatever they are worth, even though they've already been said 100 times over and with much more clarity. I haven't really followed the conversation around this game too much other than people saying it's one of the best of all time.

[watches Dark Knight]
Oh man, I really hope Batman doesn't get to Joker in time to stop him from killing that boat full of families!

I imagine it's like any church. Every religion is responsible for abhorrent things but at least there is also good that they can bring to communities and individuals. It's not to absolve the bad shit, there is just more than one shade to something as complex as a religion. In terms of Scientology, there seems to never

But even the comments sections on pages that have nothing to do with him end up all about him. Like this one! Right now! I doubt there is a single AVC article in the past 12 months that doesn't mention the name "Trump".

I believe I had seen him on Letterboxd talking about quitting the column for some time. I am inclined to believe it was Mike's decision because it became tiring to write after a while.

Trump is a TV president and also keeping the lights on at The AV Club.

Did you just wake up and realize there will be 4 more years of this and it's hard for you to accept? And also did you ask rhetorically how much longer Republicans/Democrats/people will stand up for this and then answer your own question with "Oh, forever!" and be defeated by it?

Dude. A lot of the regular commenters here are pretty sad but don't waste your breath. Well, I guess you already did but… c'mon. Who cares, it's a comment section on a mediocre website.

What about the Dowd C+ meme?

I came here by discovering The New Cult Canon and I read through every single entries and watched a shit ton of amazing cult movies because of it. I loved AVC and the amazingly thoughtful writing here each and every week. I said my farewells to that site years ago and have been coming here out of habit since. But I've

Are they still doing Palme Thursday?

Won't happen

If you haven't seen it yet, I'll raise them more for you: Even the best scene in DoFP isn't as good as the worst scenes in Logan.

Seems like the wrong director for the project just because Fukunaga seems to prioritize style so much—although I wouldn't say he's without substance. His stylistic diversions in True Detective were impressive but seemed like "look at me" calling cards and they were distracting in Beasts of No Nation where that much

Yeah, saw this at TIFF a few years ago. Pretty awful. An amazingly ridiculous climax that is both poorly written and cheap as hell looking. Also there are a lot of randomly discarded plot points in a movie that is pretty fucking straightforward. Big miss.

Castle Anthrax: The Movie

It's simply to remove the remaining shred of human decency in the hoards.

Well commenting on The AV Club, the most Trump-obsessed website on the internet, is not a good place to start.
