
Netflix does make a lot of shit, but I guess its digestible enough that a lot of people watch it and then for some reason its credited with being so excellent. I guess they are good with giving creative freedom, presumably, but the results aren't so great.

Thanks. I was hoping this article would focus on why the first worked and second didn't but I couldn't get any sense from Rabin about that as someone who liked the first one.

I have to think of it in some sort of Russ Meyer vein.

Late to the party here but his murals that got him the job were inspired by ancient Chinese paintings. He used the style in Bambi when the American illustrators couldn't figure out how to render the forests properly. So, Bambi's style owes a lot to Chinese art history. Who'da thought?

It reminds me of Canada. Our film industry is pretty awful because of poor funding models, very very very safe, conservative choices and a total inability to figure out what we have to offer next to American films - aside from Quebec which is its own world. But we also are really popular with US productions, for a

Beside the screenplay, the direction of that film is outstanding. It's a brilliant example of blocking. The critical scene that motivates the whole conflict is shot in a way that we see the whole thing unfold but JUST don't see enough to make a complete judgement and it leaves a lot of doubt. It's god damn brilliant.

Thank you for this series. Please don't stop writing them.

I think it provided an interesting perspective since the entire movie you are very close with this one priest and his interpretation of his faith and his perspective of being a good Christian versus being a failure or disgrace and then you switch to this unbiased party, who is essentially a narrator, observing him and

Too bad Silence got snubbed. Feel like they really failed to market that to voters in any meaningful way.

Not really the same vein as Primer, although just as complicated and convoluted but without a logical end-point so if you didn't like Primer you might like Upstream Color — then again, you might not.

I read that New Yorker piece too!

The New Yorker's review had a great bit about how Ryan Gosling condemns Emma Stone for saying jazz is music you play in the background at parties by taking her to a jazz club and just talking over all of the jazz to explain to her why he's right.

It's literally The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

I have sympathy for the editors in this one. Take a look at that fucking script. How could ANYONE edit something coherent and entertaining out of that disaster? Impossible. Couldn't be done. I'm sure the reshoots only compounded the problem rather than helping them.

Well, it's also a case of critic flipflopping. Great raves out of Sundance then suddenly after all the news it seemed like all the outlets started focusing on its flaws and dismissing it.

I haven't seen any of her films but after The OA I feel like I should stay far far far away from anything she's involved with.

Classic diversion tactic. That and "he loves the water!" Of course! Water and rushing simulated rapids!

Exactly! That's why I keep telling people who criticize me for throwing my friends into the lake from atop the cliff. It's like, yeah they're screaming and begging me to stop but that's just because they're skittish!

Or the significant part of the population that simply won't see this news at all.

Interesting. Haven't had the second option offered to me before. Had one company that demanded I get a company phone even though its uses (phone, email) were irrelevant to my job since i'd always be around and accessible via computer or not at all. I put it in my desk drawer and simply didn't touch it once. Most