
Felt too stiff and studied to me. I loved it the first time but felt like it was trying too hard the second.

Really cool take. I don't think that's what is intended, but it's the type of movie that has a pretty clean slate and allows for lots of readings. I was talking to people who found Paterson condescending towards his girlfriend and to others, while others thought he was genuine and sweet. It invites a lot of cool

This is a beautiful movie. Definitely my #1 of the year. Very mellow, very calming, very sublime. A real love letter to the artistic process and contentment with life. A great portrait of an introvert. An observational movie in the vein of something like a Richard Linklater movie. In no rush to go anywhere in

Yeah the new update added this sort of thing, as well as two new game modes.

Damn, that is a good cast. I mean, Neeson is fucking terrific so can't complain too much.

Black Robe - very underrated!


Would you consider something like Tree of Life? That isn't about religion directly but about spirituality and faith.

I also don't get the praise that it's "just like an episode of the show" rather than a huge film because a. no it wasn't. and b. the films should be more than just 'episodes of the show'. I'll go watch the show if I want episodes, thanks.

That's what a decade of nonstop classics earns you: a decades worth of fumbles to follow and the occasional glimpse of light for people to still say "lately its been a bit rocky, but I'm optimistic!"

I liked Zootopia well enough and it had its charms for sure, but I felt like the third act went on auto-pilot into nonsense animal adventures that other Disney movies fall into when they don't really have anywhere else to go except back to the same old well. Good first act.

Ah, yes, the audience rating. The height of integrity.

It's a case of being great moments, not a great whole. The kid was awful, for sure, although stock Shane Black.

Sausage Party was……. truly awful.

The A.V. Club

Wow! Makes a lot of sense!!!!

Interesting take, can't say I totally agree without more specific examples. I find that the anamorphic obsession amongst young digital cinematographers has created less composition in general. More free-floating shots that try to capture a moment by hovering around it without giving the audience the ability to analyze

Buress is (or was?) on the show Broad City and is offended that the lady interrupted him in a very general, typical way that hecklers do and comedians ask they be removed. There ya go, that's the story.

Nothing in the audio from the show that would indicate that? I imagine she had an orange skin tan and toupe on at the show - some things words just can't communicate.

*pretends to not notice in hopes crazy person will harass next person at bus stop*