
Ok but how do we know she is a Trump supporter? Why would a Trump supporter want to hear about Broad City? Is there some context I'm missing, or…. ?

I actually didn't notice that but it explains why it felt so true and awesome to me. I really felt childhood flashbacks to the way those x-wings communicated in the old movies — it all makes sense now! It was one of my favourite parts of the movie.

Or some people found it incredibly distracting? One or the other.

Same with Leia. It was mega awkward for her to be standing stiffly, back to the door, like she's a character model they forgot to animate. But when you see her face you realize, oh god, turn her back around!! It would have been great if you see her turn and get a glimpse of her face and let her deliver that line

The CGI characters just reinforced that we aren't as far along with CGI as we think.

Because no one wants to give that guy real scripts.

No way. Then it's nothing but walking down Toronto's Yonge Street and occasionally walking down subway tunnels. That's all the entire movie is outside of the a first-act disguised as a character roster breakdown.

"Lawrence Kasdan, an old school writer, whose contribution was only allowed to remain in the movie because Harrison Ford insisted."

That's probably the most believable aspect of our era of pop culture, are you kidding me? 50 Cent will be a no brainer once we get through explaining the rest of this hellscape.

Not to mention he helped fund Kagemusha when no one would give Kurosawa money to make a film. There is another legendary director he helped like this too but I can't remember or find the info… He produced a lot of other great films over the years too.

And his weird screams

Sick reference bro

Yeah he complained that they ignored the lineage aspect of how he tells the stories right? Something like that?

I wonder how people who don't follow along online found the timeline reveal this week. I feel like my mom, for example, would have had no fucking clue what was going on and would have made her too confused about the season in retrospect to care about it. I'll have to call her tomorrow to see but that's where I'm

Exactly. Raimi nailed what was appealing about dorky Parker but his Spider-Man was a bit stiff, however at the time with no comparables it was too thrilling to see a live action Spiderman to notice or care. But Garfield's Spidey was just so great - I really loved the opening sequence in ASM2 where he's chasing down

Forgot about that bad boy.

Oh, I see! Yes, it would. If everyone is the same actor in the 30-years-ago timeline expect one person, that'd be extremely odd.

I'm having trouble following what you saying at the beginning. When did the show cast two actors to play a single character? Is that what you are saying?

Yeah it's really hard to fall for William's noble heroics when I know that, yeah, these are actually robots that get reset if they die and nothing really happens to them. Now, obviously, there is more to it but the stakes aren't there.. especially for William who DOESN'T know what we know and just is kind of creepy

Even Good Job Internet?