
You tried… and yet you're still out of touch!

Same people hyping him as Michael Bay: teenage boys.

I only saw the first two. The first one was pretty dumb fun, had it moments, had a lot of cringe. The second was reaaally dull. Then it seemed that Bay couldn't possibly find a way to tell the stories in under 150 minutes which was way too much of a commitment for me.


No one else talking about the horrifically clumsy device with the general feeding the information back to her? They wave it off with him saying "I don't know how your mind works but I have to tell you…" Which is basically the screenplay code for "tight deadline". For a movie this elegant it was a real slap in the

Can someone fill me in?

Not getting enough echo in this Twitter feed, I know I can do better! - Dennis Perkins

Accidental spidey-senses!

Well he was hand-picked to fill the role, given the suit and then a montage to show he's figured out the basics. They save a few elements for the money shots and climax. The lower stakes made it feel more like a foregone conclusion, like they weren't even trying. It was lighter in tone. You know where Strange is

Seems more like it looked like Hillary would win after that because of the echo chambers being created through this entire election from every nook of the internet speaking to itself and its own values and totally failing to recognize groups outside of that and more importantly how big those groups are.

Fuck 2016

The origin of Strange IS so good and it was really fun to watch. Even though it felt very similar to Tony Stark's origin, it was really satisfying because (like Stark) they did a great job of showing Strange STRUGGLE to realize his potential and it was paced really well with the introduction of new tools and outfit to

The most likely outcome.

From Palme d'Or to iTunes weekly charts. That's gotta be rough.

comics are weird

You just firmly yell "Bold!" at your keyboard as you type. It doesn't show up right away but once you submit your bold request it'll update.

I would say I generally agree although I think Come and See is pretty close to what I would define as an anti-war film.

The Pacific is pretty great.

Not to mention the massive support from Hollywood figures a few years back when he was arrested and almost brought back to the US.

S6 had so much desperation. Introducing families, if they aren't there from the beginning, is the CLASSIC red flag of running out of ideas. Double so when the families of your hero are EVIL. And having a nuke drop in the first two episodes was a clearly desperate attempt to get the same WOW moment that S5 had in