
S4 is the dark horse. Great if you look at the details. But S5 is the showstopper that really was the last epic hurrah for the show and no season after it could really live up to that. S6 was so mindnumbingly awful it also reallllly did not help. I stopped there but I heard later seasons were OK.

What is Undead Donald doing behind Hillary? Is that a massive erection?

There more mocking the perception of Clinton that people seem to have, or that commonly come up. They're still pretty funny.

He's the only one who writes this series, and he's rather notorious for his hardline points-of-view and that many people accuse of being contrarian. He gets flack. But he's a good writer and reinforces his opinions which is what is really important.

You guys clearly aren't familiar with Mike D'Angelo.

The sequence is excellent and I agree with Mike, Carpenter's actual direction (as well as the editing) is clumsily inconsistent over his career. He has plenty of moments in each of his movies that teeter on incompetent and it's almost always action. His most successful action sequence is that scene in They Live, you

Not that it's even remotely realistic but at least QT might make Deadpool watchable.

Yeah that part with the sheriff was true laugh-out-loud WTF? One of those absurd little moments that this series does so well because no one is taking it too seriously.


I mean, it wouldn't hurt.

That nurse in the beginning of that one is a blast. She had some pretty great comedic timing and seemed to be having fun with it - too bad she wasn't the main character.

I didn't make it that far into that series. And I dare not to…

Soo…. an opinion?

Black Christmas, The Girl Who Wasn't There, The Bird With The Crystal Plummage, Deep Red, Friday the 13th - a few whodunit slashers off the top of my head that I really enjoyed (aside from F13 which I didn't really enjoy but people here reminded me)

I'm watching them all right now. They're pretty fun, especially when you learn about the BTS cocaine binging. On to Part 6 next which people say is one of the best ones.

Part 5 makes even less sense. Spoiler: it was the paramedic you saw in one scene at the beginning who came to pick up his dead son, who nobody knew was his son and wasn't revealed until now! Whaaa?


Since none of the Marvel shows seem to be able to wrap up in satisfying ways I was holding off to see how Luke Cage went - this seems pretty bad. Does it do the classic final-4-episode dip like the other Marvel shows?

I remember being so disappointed that the Bride is only in the movie for like 10 minutes when her image became so iconic I assumed she'd be a major part of the film! I suppose that surprise made me like it less. I still consider FRANKENSTEIN to be a masterpiece, though.

There are hundreds of people on any film and it almost always boils down to one or two people getting the lion's share of credit. That's the film industry. However, editors and other important roles get plenty of internal recognition within the industry, hence why they work on good stuff or at least their unions help