
DD1 >>> DD2

I particularly liked the random lost kid plot in the third act of the film… oh wait…

I don't know if I'm just tired of what, but I can not decipher what this sentence means: "but the only thing I feel hearing this is tired."

That kind of thing was done a lot better in Spielberg's War of the Worlds where its got that from-the-ground guerilla style perspective of these massive otherworldly things attacking. It's also great at obscuring the tripods behind smoke and framing them in the distance. By the third act we get closer looks at them

Just give me the angst!!

Where are all these Red Dead rumours coming from?? They haven't even alluded to anything!

You think its pathetic people try to make great stories? Or you find it pathetic that people don't care and just want to blow stuff up?

Somehow Naughty Dog always manages to make repetitive, random dialogue work better in context and it never feels random or canned - however, their games aren't open world which helps.

I think you will!

Hope that's the case, although the X-films haven't been the best at sticking to that. The third acts tend to dip into expected territory.

Yeah but that part was so grating and so ridiculous it fairly derailed a large part of the goodwill of the rest of the film. Say what you will about Heston or the NRA but Moore's bait and switch tactics, rhetoric and logic were way off-base there and really took the movie down with it.

Yeah, if only that stuff wasn't just a wild generalization. I remember seeing that as a Canadian and thinking, "hah, we do that?" then double thinking about it and realizing, no, all my doors are locked. And I lived outside of the city in the country at the time and when I was younger in a suburb and now I live in the

I haven't seen any D'Souza films, but would it be comparable to call Moore the liberal version of him?

The reason RDR wasn't ported to PC was because the studio that worked on it made a huge mess with the code and it was reportedly deemed too much work to rework for PC. This time I assume that will have more oversight.

But it was still built on the Cell processor.

Looks spooky enough to warrant an October watch, sandwiched into a horror marathon. I haven't seen any Renoir, but I've been meaning to forever.

The same goes for THX1138, haven't seen American Graffiti. Although, even in THX, his storytelling chops were never excellent. It was more in his inspiration from other media and imaginative ideas that made his films special. The prequels didn't have that texture, the title crawls were the closest to nodding that way.

So, was Don't Breathe good?

But isn't that sort of the function of 'leading roles' especially in Hollywood movies? Guy like Cruise or Brad Pitt or Tom Hanks aren't really meant to 'disappear', they are meant to be familiar and likeable because it makes it easier for the audience to buy into their mission or sympathize with them, or whatever.