
I've read lots of interesting pieces about that type of uncensored (or less censored) coverage in Vietnam and the implications it had in America from connections to a rise in serial killers, more accepted violence in fictional media (eg video nasties), etc.

Ah, I just commented about the 9/11 call above. Yes. I can see all the bizarre gross stuff out there, but that… there is nothing quite as devastating in quite that type of devastating way as that..

I listened to I believe a 911 call from someone in the first tower and they synced it with footage of the tower so the connection cuts as the tower collapses. Devastated me for days.

You might be taking it a bit far, (but maybe not?) all those things can and are still funny - farts are funny for christ sake as long as the actual material uses them well. There is a pretty clear line between mean-spirited and just mocking funny. I don't think Guest is necessarily mean-spirited, but I don't think he

It was the right # of Colossi, also because by the end you could already feel some recycled elements between some designs and a general fatigue in terms of approach to conquering them. It was just enough repetition to be acceptable without totally feeling burnt out.

Indeed…….. the ending is something so astounding and thematically powerful I still get goosebumps thinking about it. I enjoyed how cumbersome and slow the controls were which really hit home both the immense power and the sleepy helplessness of it all. Amazing game, although a game that pissed me off to absolutely no

It was actually originally a section of AVC and THEN became its own site and THEN became a section within the AVC again.

There were more people than just Snyder who dropped the ball there.


Oh I'm sure its already a very successful chain in Tokyo.

its pretty good

Does AVC not like Portlandia now? Fill me in here!! I gotta stay current.

Region locked? How Portland.

And there were a few quiet dissenters then who kept their reviews low profile until bubbling to the surface now. There's also a bunch of writers I see who are BRAVELY asserting they always hated the movie but just didn't get around to writing about it at Sundance but sure are now!

Moonlight; Fences.

It sucked, but its true the expectations were too high, especially considering the first season was also pretty bad but like you said, "great in a lot of parts".

Depends, I don't really know. That's a bit of a blanket statement, but like African Americans in the States there is this almost.. sort of social stigma associated with First Nations and cliches that go with that. However, I don't live close to any reserves in Canada, though I do drive through them when I am in BC and

Yes, of course they target black people. In Toronto we had a system called "carding" which is just short of stop-and-frisk which, surprise surprise, has targeted mostly black men on the streets.

There is more and more attention being paid to it, at least I've noticed that anyway. Although, it's still ignored and very easy for people to ignore.

Well, who doesn't like a little pot pipe now and then?!