
Why would her publicist support her making up a big hoax? Sounds like bad press.

…. ad….?

I don't know the economics and politics of it that well but isn't it that Netflix pays a nice lump sum for it, which is probably a safer bet for the financiers to make some money on it and then Netflix just pushes it as original content? I mean, I might be way off here, correct me if so.

i exhaled through my nose a bit more than usual though.

That's because they do shit like @thewayigetby:disqus pointed out, shamelessly, and are so inferior to the US counterparts no one even bothers.

Double-double, bitch.

Thank you.

Can't wait to see most of these, even The Bad Batch which has had some of the most dramatically wide range of reactions I've seen out of a film at TIFF from people I've talked to.

Way to go Sam, link to a 51 minute YouTube clip and don't specify where that actual bit is in it. Or embed with the video starting at that point, which you should know you can do.

I've always wanted to see Terry Jones' Medieval Lives - anyone seen it? Where can it be watched?

Malick’s most recent film was the “transporting, repetitive” Knight Of Cups; his next, Weightless, is expected to arrive next year.

Sounds faithful to the source material… of me playing with the toys as a child.

He was probably also a rapist or something, I dunno

King Arthur? Nazis? Mark Wahlberg? Ok. Say what you will about Michael Bay but I'm in.

To be fair, being a leader is more than analyzing the stats and making good judgement calls. If you can't rally up the people you'll probably have a hell of a time getting the respect and attention of city council amongst other groups you need the manage and negotiate with.

The one will be from AVC, you know it to be true.

The parties and the festival are so far divided they might as well not even be the same thing.

New? No, not new.

They could have hired goths to sit in the corner smoking and not making eye contact with anyone.