
There should a gimmick account that just posts this quote within the context of every newswire and GJI. I'll upvote every single one.


Thanks. Sometimes I feel like a gun-running banker bro but I try to keep it in check.

Flops in terms of either their financial return or their reputation. Haven't seen AoI but I've heard both good and bad.

I haven't seen much 'bad' Scorsese, but I'd say probably Shutter Island and Gangs of NY are worse than WoWS, others might add his more notorious flops like Cape Fear, Color of Money, Age of Innocence, Kundun…


Yeah but we don't talk about that field trip.

i think hes aware

He kept everyone waiting around on XXX3 as well, he is notorious for it. Oh well, his star will fade twice as fast as it did in the mid-00s and he'll be begging for a decent sized trailer again.

if they just abandoned game development then fine…. but why seemingly abandon it just to turn around and start making shittier games?

Well he's in the spotlight right now. That's usually when these types of things come up for celebrities (or whatever you'd define him as) rather than when he doesn't have a movie going on and the story has more difficulty getting traction.

Ok lets get on the bad sequels that we liked train:
Halloween 2
Bad Boys 2
Friday the 13th Part 3

It was a marketing stunt by the marketing department.

1. This site is a tumblr/twitter aggregator
2. The writers on this site are part of a twitter echochamber and think it matters

I'm curious about how realistic the prison stuff is because while it's well done it seems to constantly be teetering to cliche or at least how movies traditionally depict hard-ass prison culture. I imagine it'd be more nuanced and less horrifically aggressive, but then again I'm a white boy from Canada so what do I

Ah yes, vintage AVC..

When I was a kid, watching Dragon Ball Z and hoping for a plot to advance forward could be a journey of months if not YEARS to the point that watching the show was just a routine. You'd be making it further into the Frieza plot and then the next day, without anticipation or explanation, BOOM—it's the first episode of

And CBC had some random Canadian stuff!

Not everyone, but this character, yes.

Yeah, Malibu is amazing. I just went from Malibu to channel Orange and back again. I agree, Ocean's stuff isn't quite my taste but .Paak tweaks it just enough to work for me.