
Like what?

Yeah it also has the tendency to shrink the scope of the show when everything unseen or "regular" has to become part of a growing labyrinth of conspiracy and plot devices. Let some things be and create new plotlines… I dunno.

Sure, although it reeks of self-consciousness when people have to qualify why they have 'bad' movies on their shelf by being like "but I have all these AUTEUR'S films as well, so it's ok!" We get it, you're watching these ironically.

Because people love their knee-jerk reactions. If we're talking about George Lucas being great we can also point to how he used his wealth and industry leverage to almost singlehandedly move technology forward in terms of both adopting digital cameras and CGI - and I'm sure a wealth of other ways that are more

Seems like he was always included as a gimmick to sell tickets since no one else has name recognition in the film (aside from Will Smith as Will Smith). I wonder how Affleck would handle him in a solo Batman film since the two seem like such tonal opposites.

I don't think he was being that serious.

Ah, it is in the post. I just skimmed over it. Thanks!

I'm sorry, what movie are we talking about here? I can't find it mentioned in the article or TIFF…

Thing is, I get it. A lot of my internet browsing is brain breaks between work and I want something I can check out quick then get back to whatever I'm doing. I usually have like 5-20 tabs of long form film analysis and essays that I intend to get to.. but honestly, 90% of the time I eventually close them a week later

You are right. I'm sorry.

No offense, and this will get buried anyway, but it seems like a lot of people here have no clue what they are talking about. This point in particular about how its the 'whims of one person' causing the site to become 'bad' is so out of touch with the realities of business, this particular market and corporate

You should start writing about things you do like too. It's all noise in the wind anyway and its much more pleasant and rewarding to write positively than it is to bitch about everything.

I had the same impression going in but I think it does come into its own and isn't overly agonizing about its sick 80s references. There is only one of those "this TV is 15 inches!" type lines. Mostly it focuses on the story and the retro chic is window dressing, as it should be. I don't think that having a retro

I'm out of the loop. What did Timm adapt that Moore liked?

Interesting. I never saw the original and figured that seeing it now, after all the hype and analysis, it wouldn't work. I should get around to seeing it.

Unless their entire education comes from cartoons!

This is a movie for children.

Isn't the gym system inherently broken and pretty much any gym be easily taken down by a few people at most?

That's some serious trivia.