
MM definitely has more abandoned tangents (Betty has anxiety attacks while driving!) and had those awkward late-show growing pains of "is this about advertising or soapy relationships?" though the scale of where it starts and where it ends, for characters as well as era, makes it so great.

True - there was a lot of interesting stuff going there but it never really developed into anything really substantial re: Tony revealing his lack of homophobia to the family.

Paulie is one of the funniest monsters on TV, ever. His ongoing beef with Christopher was always brilliant. Obviously, Pine Barrens needs to be mentioned.

As the guy who defends Sopranos S6 I'll also defend S5 of The Wire - it's great! Sure, it's the most farfetched season but it still addresses real issues in a hypothetical way, I don't think the serial killer thing necessarily any less absurd than Hamsterdam, but it's harder to sell in a narrative I suppose. The

Rewatching the show last year I went into S6 with anxiety but you know… the Johnnycakes thing doesn't drag on nearly as long as it did the first (few…) times I saw it. Maybe its the anticipation of knowing it ends that makes it not feel like it's dragging on forever. It still sucks too much plot away from Tony—it's a

"more professional actors"? You mean like Hollywood veterans like Buscemi? Give me the cast of Sopranos any day of the week. There is the fact that the writing of these characters was outstanding and that Gandolfini gave one of the best TV performances ever but what really set The Sopranos apart was the chemistry that

This movie is not made for you. It's made for China. I think it's pretty interesting that we are getting movies made now in Hollywood but without really caring for the NA audience - I mean, obviously they'll push it but considering how popular Vin Diesel seems to be in China, how this film features K-Pop stars, Donnie

Well agree to disagree I think her last album was her best album and most consistent. Her antics, are they new? Or did she do them and because she didn't get as much press no one cared? Either way, her music has not suffered so it's a bit premature to decry her downfall.

Force Majeure? Ok, so there haven't been 50 great comedies since 2000 then if we're just gonna fill spaces with dramas.

Yeah nothing wrong with researching a role but even Heath Ledger turned to the comic book sources to research the role, not look at mentally ill people through panes of glass.

Maybe you didn't notice the tattoos but this is a GROUNDED, RESPECTFUL take on the character. Cartoon comic book characters are very 90s. This is a grown up genre now!

Why won't you name names of a network anchor?

Does Spotlight count?

I have only seen Certified Copy which blew me away and the rest only through the one chapter of The Story of Film which put them on a backlog with another 1000 movies.

People complain about GJI being so bad and then look at this barren comments section. Cmon AVC

Also that mystery leads reporting that comes back with extra wild and bizarre stuff to catch the most attention, like Vice Guide to Travel which people seem to cite as if its the de-facto overview of what's normal in North Korea.

Sorry, I get what you are saying but you are dismissing the gravity of the potential consequences by simply saying that being targeted would "suck". If that were the fallout from this movie, it would be devastating and life-destroying to many people.

I thought Season 3 was already in the bag and done at the same time as S2? Considering S2 was mostly Mark Boal's interviews.

It was great. Everybody loved it. Everybody agrees, there was no other celebration like it. None.

Marketing 101