
He's a businessman. I highly doubt he considered it a pet project or thought of it as anything other than an investment. Guy's probably been in the Tidal offices for board meetings.

Good points. I think Nazi comparisons are useful as a reminder when talking about authoritarianism so everyone is aware of what these things CAN become —- not COULD, but HAVE and can again. It's easy to dismiss alarmist concerns when something is as inconceivable as mass genocide, but when it's happened its easier to

Know a guy who is bipolar and had a manic state breakdown and took it to Facebook. Kinda looked like that.

Look at his comment history. Pretty straightforward troll. Or manic bipolar.

Seems no other thread really talks about Long Dark, so I'll chime in here. I think its worth it. Updates are kinda slow but the scenarios they have are really immersive. They've updated and improved the game in significant ways each update. It's brutally unforgiving, which is appropriate for the game. I've never found

There was a good Planet Money about that!

And not a moment too soon!


Don't get that bitching. Seems invalid to me. The plot had the most political weight, great actors, strong motivations. I can understand that it moved slowly but I imagine someone binge watching the show would find it has much more momentum. Only a season ago Cersei was helping build the position for the High Sparrow,

Good question, I'd also like some insight here. Maybe she strong-armed her way in?

Empire and Star Wars, I'd reckon.

[nods and backs away slowly]

Considering one of those Independence Day promos was Jeff Goldblum talking to the "character" in the film and they are both exactly the same and comment on that makes me think, no, Goldblum don't care.

Goldblum is perfectly cast in every role, so shove it.

As someone not in either country it's pretty much the furthest thing from comforting considering its looking like a slow, incoming force of ignorance, xenophobia and short-sightedness sweeping the western world with politicians on both sides urging caution to the increasingly volatile, angry and emotional populations

War of the Worlds is terrific and what great use of CGI at a time when everyone was trying to show it off as much as possible, instead the tripods are obscured and in the background (until the third act anyway). Plus the killer sound design and several isolated moments of sheer horror that would be instantly

I also had a surprisingly great time with Jungle Book. The CGI in that was fantastic, those end credits were fun.

Sad there will be no more Criterion reviews going forward at AVC. They will be missed and this is a fine send-off.

Can't it be both things!