
Well, I thought it was pretty funny most of the time. The last few were funny at first and then got weird, fast. But I guess if that's how you're gonna go out, might as well go big.

Method acting has never been justified outside of Daniel Day Lewis, has it? And then, I wonder if Lewis wouldn't still just knock it out of the fucking park if he just acted like it was a job like everyone else…

Right, but expository dialogue is problematic when people reconvene at a location and then summarize why and how they got there and their motivations for doing so.

Damn! GoW1 takes some getting into but GoW2 starts with such a bang and just keeps going up from there.

Who would have thought a feature about negativity and literal hatred would spew hateful, insensitive remarks???

I'll go ahead and bet its whoever signs off on his assignments that is forcing his hand to review easy targets and recent films because they get more clicks. I mean, I'm a cynic but this IS the Good Job, AV Club generation after all.

Thank you. It's like blasphemy to say that the gameplay in Mirror's Edge is poor, trial-and-error based, and first-person parkour just doesn't work. I mean, maybe we're wrong since so many people love it so much? I also couldn't play it because the lack of peripheral vision made it hard to predict your next move, be

Voice acting! Physics! Open world! Music cues! Looks breathtaking. Even though it seems to be following trends of action games rather than inventing new ones it really looks like it'll be a spectacular game.

Seems to be more and more common on AVC/the garbagenet these days. So I will lean towards misrepresentation.

This movie looks like ass, obviously, but fuck I'll see it simply because Jeff Goldblum is the star of a blockbuster in 2016 and if anything needs supporting, its that.

Broad City… ?

Is there even a link to the reddit post? Why do I have to go through Esquire to get there? Better yet… why do I even care?

Is Passion worse than Redacted? I've seen Passion, thought it was bad but it had some moments. Funny story, I saw Passion at TIFF and was so distraught by the stupid decisions in the movie I was shaking my head and throwing up my arms (I usually never do that shit, but I dunno, it was instinct). They call up De Palma

Yeah, I've never understood those comparisons. He's deliberately imitating Hitch, so… not really an heir, right? I think its a wild goose chase finding anyone to be the new Hitch but since we're talking about it I'd elect either Chris Nolan or David Fincher, simply because they both construct very elaborate mysteries

Body Double, for me, is pretty meh but it does have over-the-top sleaze. Like Vertigo in a whorehouse and has an awesome Driller Killer type thing going on.

High age ratings? In the 80s? Shit man, I was watching Robocop and Termintor as a kid. I mean, sure, I'm a serial killer now but are you going to blame the media for that??!!

It's the serial model and its baffling to me that its working again. I guess thanks to the internet? It's a brilliant business model if you can actually convince people to invest their focus to follow along and then feel this compulsion to keep up or forever get left out of the conversation.

I remember starting up the campaign for StarCraft II and Jim Raynor is in a bar and there is some news report he doesn't like and he has some line like, "REPORT ON THIS" and pulls out his gun and shoots the TV right where the person's face was. I rolled my eyes so far back into my skull they got stuck back there.

I get that fans might love this movie because they DO know all the inside lore and this movie is loyal to that and that must be hugely satisfying, but its that inability to have the perspective to understand that people who haven't lost 7000 hours to WoW would find it convoluted, nonsensical or just plain dumb in a

I agree, but that's what I'd been seeing in some early reviews and grabs on Rotten Tomatoes (usually from no-name sites though). It's pretty depressing.