
Glad Dowd made this a fair, level-headed review and pointed out why it worked as a game but not as a film. Too many early reviews go for those easy jabs and mock it for being a video-game movie as if that is some default strike against it. Seems closeminded and made me doubt those reviews. Seems the nail is in the

but what if that is the cover for their heist? It's fucking brillaint.

Basically one of the pillars of their flaky business model.

That would actually be an amazing hack. "I DID NOT say those kind, warmhearted, level-headed things earlier!"

Wow! What a story!

If you can't explain it in 140 characters or less, I don't want to hear about it. —Zack Snyder, maybe

YES! Also MRAs vs. Ghostbusters. Get with the AV Club times.

There's some sort of essay to be written there.

I think it's something to do with turning into a sentient robot.

Fucking marketers.

"Let's just say I dreamed myself… TO A BIGGER HOUSE!! Oops, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet."

The discontinued version for Windows though.

Not to mention it literally just abandons the documentary concept and makes an action movie.

Would have been a hilarious opener if it set it up as being part of his master plan to take down Spider-Man and he gets busted immediately. Sort of like they did with Rhino in the opening of ASM2 except without the whole world-building nonsense.

Yeah, the shot of the Sandman coming together was spectacular. I mean, the context around why and how he was there was insanely contrived but the shot itself was awesome.

Or, all Spiderman villains… one might argue.

Maybe its for the best. It looks like they were mocking some of the D-list villains and modern comic-book fans WILL NOT STAND for such desecration of their sacred texts and would have most certainly made Raimi do the walk of atonement for his cardinal sins.

It would have to be a bold publicist because usually they will stop at nothing to avoid downplaying their clients own divine talent so being self-critical is a trait that I doubt anyone but he, himself, could have written. Again, maybe a bold publicist but lets be glass half full

Warcraft bomb inbound

It'll get reposted under Great Job, Internet! in a few days weeks by the teenage interns over there who were unaware AV Club had a film review section and discover it via a totally lit Tumblr they follow.