
Wow! What a story!

Exactly. Take what you will but I know someone who will be working the reshoots and as far as I am aware through them there is no sign of problems. I mean, it might be upper brass stuff but usually troubled reshoots are pretty obvious, word travels fast on set. This one seems routine.

No. They do happen and people in the industry know they are routine and nothing to freak out over. Whether its feedback from audiences or the director/producer/editor/studio whoever looking at a cut and all acknowledging something isn't working as well as they hoped or could be stronger or whatever and feel its a good

Hahah. I just realize I was thinking of the wrong J. movie.

Remember Leo's horrific makeup in J Edgar? Like he just wore a skin suit or something? And then it seemed like they underexposed the entire movie to cover it up or something. Fucking brutal.

And then they don't even end up posting!!!

Yeah. Back when I was younger I would waste a lot of energy arguing or bickering with idiots in multiplayer games. Nowadays I almost exclusively play singleplayer games because the idea of being called a loser (or whatever) for not mastering the ins-and-outs of a 3 month old game is the kind of irony that I can live

People will use literally anything as an example to support their argument, no matter how convoluted. Just look at fringe conspiracy theorists. Best to simply ignore them.

I dont even know anything about DC or Flash but I love that you are this mad about it.

I, too, grew up in Kingston! Although I have no Hip stories.
[eyes you suspiciously]


As someone who hasn't really been following these games closely they both look and sound so similar I am constantly confused which is which.

Sounds like the Terminator justification for continuing the franchise. No, no, we didn't say Judgment Day won't happen, it'll just happen LATER, that's all!

Wonder how Penn got his film in there in the first place, if its so terrible. I imagine it wasn't as democratic as it's supposed to be.

It's funny because for Bond fans that must be hugely satisfying, that it was able to develop into the template so perfectly. Too bad for the rest of us its not what we wanted.

It should be, if they made a movie that was actually about that. I detested Sam Mendes' portrayal of poor, sad James as some sort of victim, I'd like to see him deal with demons, hell maybe even become a villain or something.

Or mental illness.

I was pretty down on him after Tenebaums all the way until Moonrise Kingdom where I started to dig his shtick again.

I feel like thats the common Wes Anderson syndrome, except he has somehow managed to go from original to familiar and back to, well.. not original, but "enjoyable" again.

I thought it had some really cool formalistic ideas (is it formal? I dunno) and was techinically interesting but that whole text scroll and as a plot point was, yes, stupid as hell and completely pointless and avoided him having to actually think about the real world and real world consequences. The ending was goofy